Chapter 38


“What do you mean by that mother? I don't believe I heard you correctly. Did you say "You want to give Owen the legal ownership of our house?” Daniel roared at the face of his mother but she didn't even flinch or move from the spot where she stood. She had seen many episodes of him like this before and she couldn't seem to care less.

“It's just for a short period of time Dan, as soon as the company is up and running on its feet, I will return the money to him and collect the ownership back to us, how many times do I have to repeat this same line to you?

Would it take me to open up your brain and shove this information into those cerebral hemispheres of yours before you understand? It is just a temporary solution my son”. Yes, It is a shaky damaged bridge that we have to cross, but we have no other options. Tamara said, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Do you even hear yourself mother? A temporary solution?” He scoffed in anger.

“What if the company doesn
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