Chapter 90


“Hey mum” Kate answered enthusiastically over the phone and Maria chuckled. It's been a while since she got a call from her and she was kinda happy she called.

“Hey baby” She replied

“Although I love that you call, but I am still curious tho, to what do I owe this unexpected call?” She asked and Kate chuckled

“Nothing serious though, it's just that Jake left the house and I am kinda lonely right now. I needed someone to keep me company, and you were my best guess, so I decided to call you. I thought you would be asleep already, but thank God you aren't” Kate said in one long deep breath and Maria nodded. She already guessed so.

“So, what's popping?” Kate asked

“How's the company and everybody?” She asked again and Maria rolled her eyes as if she could see her

“Well, if you wanted to know about the company and the others, you would have come to check up on them, but you didn't and why, if I may ask?” Maria sounded annoyed, but Kate knew that she
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