“Son, have you been saved by the people I sent to you? Where are you right now?” Veronica Parker’s voice had a sense of urgency. “Timothy, things have escalated far more than I anticipated. That elders’ representative has sent reports to the estate even before she got there. She had also informed them that you’re now a runaway. They’ve gotten down to setting a hunt for you, so we need you to get out of the country as soon as possible.”

Timothy shook his head; he couldn’t even be worried about this right now. “Mom, are you sure you’re the one who sent those things to rescue me? Have you seen them with your own two eyes? They look like they could squash my little life within a breath.”

There was stark silence from Veronica before she let out a sigh. “I understand you, Timothy. But fear not; those three monstrous men were really sent by me. There are a lot of things happening in the family that neither you nor even Camilla are privy to knowing for now. All that matters is that they get
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