Andrew was getting quite confident that none of these marching young adults in black military outfits could see him. He watched as they kept matching in a slightly long file of two. He didn’t expect that they would suddenly stop before spreading further. Each of the two lines moved to the opposite walls of the hallway and they faced the middle. The assassin leader had not been this scared in a long time.

Andrew watched for a few more seconds as the two lines of bodyguards stood with their hands behind their backs while facing the spacious middle. The scene looked like they were expecting the president or something. But that was when Andrew heard the footsteps of a single person walking in the hallway as well. The incoming person soon enters the assassin leader’s line of sight and it is revealed to be Abigail.

Abigail Luke walked along the hallway with her team lined up with their backs almost touching the wall. She walked with her head raised and a cold expression on her face. She
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