Chapter 81: At Death’s Door


Accompanied by Felixa’s loud scream, Charlie’s Lamborghini swerved off the road. The Lamborghini’s airbags immediately deployed, and the car was left in a smoldering wreck.


Charlie vigorously shook his head. He tried to shake off the dizziness from the impact. Then, he quickly glanced at Felixa beside him.

The side hit by the truck was where Felixa sat. She immediately lost consciousness, blood trickling from her forehead.

“Felixa! Felixa!” Charlie called out to her several times while trying to retrieve his phone to call for help.


Before long, Charlie realized the truck was speeding back toward his car, aiming to crash into him.

The truck’s blinding headlights made it difficult for Charlie to keep his eyes open.

“Damn it! This was intentional!”

Initially, Charlie thought it was just a regular traffic accident.

However, he quickly realized this was no ordinary accident!

This large truck must have deliberately rammed into his car! Clearly, someone wanted to kill
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