Chapter 37- To Resemble Swiss Cheese

Upon hearing Longmin's greeting, Li Shen suddenly snapped out of his dazed state and immediately started to sweat uncontrollably.

'Wh..what is this demon doing here?! How the hell did he find me?!'

Li Shen started to retreat slowly, Longmin was the last person he wanted to see, he actually prefer to face that rank 3 demonic beast rather than him.

Ever since his first interaction with Longmin, Li Shen felt a sense of vulnerability towards him. Right now as he faced him, he felt as he could hide nothing from his prying eyes, it's as if every one of his secrets were being forced out into the open for Longmin to see.

Longmin saw Li Shen's facial expression, and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Senior brother Shen, you have nothing to worry about, I don't have the hobby of taking things from someone by force."

Longmin knew what Li Shen was worried about, but he really shouldn't be. Longmin was not the type of person to use his status to forcefully get what he wanted.

When Li Shen heard Longmin's words, his nervousness eased a little, but he still had a skeptical look on his face, showing that he was being cautious of Longmin.

'What's wrong with this kid? He's nothing like I'd imagine him to be. Is he perhaps lying to me so that I'll let my guard down before he made his move? But why would he do that when he could just have that rank 3 demonic beast make a move? If he did that I would be powerless to fight back, no, judging from the power and speed he showed back at the Lesser Pocket Realm's entrance when he stopped Xiang Shi's sword, which was covered in his fire attribute, he's strong enough to battle against early Core Formation cultivators. He could just make a move himself and I might not be able to stand up against him.'

A myriad of thoughts flashed through Li Shen's mind at lightning-like speed.

This was how he had been able to survive despite the numerous dangers he had been in. To question the actions of everyone and second guess their words.

Ever since he had entered the Riverside Sect as an orphan, he had been on his own with no one to help him. He had suffered through countless hardships and bullying to reach where he was now. And what he learned during those times was to never trust anyone in the cultivation world, especially members from big clans or people with high statuses.

He absolutely loath people like them. Numerous times has he been the victim of their deceitful and coldblooded actions. They had no qualms about treating people who they considered to be below them as servants they can use and throw away like disposable goods.

He had met a lot of those people confirming they were all as such, however, Longmin was like a puzzle that he couldn't find the right position to place it in.

As Li Shen was absorbed in his thoughts, Longmin turned to look at Xiang Shi before saying, "Senior brother Shen, what kind of conflict are you in for members of your own sect to be chasing after you? From the looks of it, they were even planning to kill you."

As if remembering Xiang Shi's existence, Li Shen shot an intense gaze filled with killing intent towards him.

Xiang Shi was already sweating from nervousness when he saw Longmin's appearance, but when he heard him address Li Shen as senior brother, his soul almost left his body in fright.

He watched as one of the young masters from the Wu Clan spoke to Li Shen as if they were acquaintances, before turning towards him. After hearing Longmin's question, he immediately stepped forward and said while bowing with cup fists.

"Young master Longmin, this all started because this bastard Li Shen offended our young patriarch. His actions were so despicable that the young patriarch became enraged to the point where he ordered his death. Even the Elders and the other disciples in the sect couldn't tolerate his actions and have it out for him, even if he survives today he would be unable to return to the sect, else he would be killed on the spot."

Hearing Xiang Shi's words, Longmin was slightly taken aback.

With a curious tone, Longmin asked, "What exactly did he do to provoke the ire of so many people?"

Still bowed Xiang Shi responded with, "Young master Longmin, this bastard Li Shen is absolutely shameless to the extreme. During the competition for the six spots to enter the Yellow Leaf Valley's Lesser Pocket Realm, he actually tried to assault the young patriarch's fiancé…"

"Bullshit!! Those are nothing but lies spouted from that bitch upon Xiao Fang's orders!!" roared Li Shen.

Longmin was starting to frown, he saw where this was going.

Li Shen was about rush over towards Xiang Shi but was stopped by Longmin.

"Let him finish," said Longmin.

Li Shen wanted nothing more than to kill this scum Xian Shi, but he still held his anger back and followed Longmin's orders.

Longmin then motioned Xiang Shi to continue.

"As young master might know, our Riverside Sect has several cultivation grounds like any other sects."

Longmin nodded his head casually.

Xiang Shi then continued, "One of the cultivation grounds our Riverside Sect has is a small dimensional space that is used for disciples' training. This was where the one-on-one competitions were held to determine the six disciples that would enter the Yellow Leaf Valley's Lesser Pocket Realm. It was in here that this deplorable Li Shen attacked and tried to assault the young lady."

Longmin's frown became even deeper as he said, "Where were the sect Elders. How come they didn't intervene?"

Xiang Shi responded, "The dimensional space made it difficult for anyone to see what was happening inside. The only way for persons to enter is with a special jade medallion, and to exit one has to crush it. During the one-on-one battles in the dimensional space, a disciple is declared the winner if they're able to destroy the opponent's medallion. The loser would be teleported outside followed by the winner. Using this method, the young lady was able to crush her medallion in time before Li Shen was able to carry out his sinister intentions. After she was teleported outside, the poor young lady's clothes were completely torn apart and her face was so badly beaten everyone was stunned when they saw her. This Li Shen is definitely guilty and should be punished in the worst way possible, only with this can his crimes be atoned for."

As Xiang Shi spoke with righteous indignation, Li Shen was shaking with rage as he stood behind Longmin.

Xiang Shi's accusations made him feel as if his head was about to explode. The image of that bitch ruthlessly cutting herself and clothes was still fresh in his mind. He had immediately realized why the competition was held within that dimension, where no one could easily see what was happening.

It was all orchestrated by that detestable Xiao Fang to frame him.

The fact that he was willing to go that far, to even use his own fiancé to frame him, made Li Shen completely speechless. Even as he watched that bitch cut herself to resemble Swiss cheese, he still couldn't believe it.

After Longmin heard the last of Xiang Shi's words, he turned to look at the fuming Li Shen, before he turned back and shook his head at Xiang Shi.

"The fact that you would blatantly lie to my face means you have no respect for me."

When Xiang Shi heard that, his face went pale before he hurriedly said, "Yo.. young master Longmin it's the truth! I would never dare lie to you!"

Longmin only shook his head once more.

"Do you really expect me to believe such a story? Do you take me for a fool?"

"Young master Longmin I wouldn't dare!! You have to believe me, it's completely true!"

Hearing how Xiang Shi was insisting that this ridiculous story was true, Longmin was starting to get annoyed.

Longmin might have been kept from the outside world ever since his childhood, but if someone thought he was clueless about the scheming and plotting nature of people with high statuses, then that would be ridiculous.

Just by hearing Xiang Shi's story, he could tell that there was something more to the entire situation. And the fact that he knew Li Shen possess an extremely valuable treasure in his sea of consciousness, made him a hundred percent sure it was related to it.

Looking at the panicking Xiang Shi, Longmin said, "You know, if my brother was here he would have killed you on the spot.."

When Xiang Shi heard that his entire body went rigid before he dropped to his knees and started begging for his life.

"Yo.. young master Longmin, please spare my life!! I was only acting on Xiao Fang's orders!! Please young master Longmin, show mercy!!"

In the face of Xiang Shi's begging, Longmin only gave him an indifferent look as he said, "But I'm not my brother, I wouldn't do something like that. It would be letting you off too easy."

When Xiang Shi heard Longmin's first sentence, his face lit up in joy, but as he heard his following words, it was quickly replaced with utter terror.

Without giving Xiang Shi any time to react, Longmin raised his index finger and pointed at him.

Immediately afterward, a black rune appeared on Xiang Shi's forehead, followed by his eyes slowly turning dull, before his body went limp and fell onto the forest ground, becoming motionless.


~Fun Fact~

Swiss Cheese was made in the 15th century by Switzerland.


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