In the safety of his uptown Cuban apartment, Hernandez sipped on a mug of hot coffee while he worked up the nerve to get in touch with his shadowy darkweb contact, the men that had helped him do the work he had not been able to do back in the states.
After two days of digging, he had nothing of consequence to report about Joanne, the dark haired american. Except for what he’d learned in the online article he’d read less than an hour ago. Since it was in Spanish and as far as he knew his target didn’t speak it, Hernandez hoped this early information was enough to satisfy his bosses, they had been getting impatient lately. At any rate, he was out of time. He had to report in tonight.Setting the mug aside, he typed a message in Spanish and waited for a response. Three minutes later, a sharp ding announced a reply.Did you get the phone I asked you to?Yes, he answered.Log off, erase the data and call me at th
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Risen To The Top CHAPTER 45
After a restless night without much sleep, Michelle answered Joanne’s door for her when someone knocked at seven a.m. She glanced up from the desk where she and Michelle had their laptops running and piles of papers spread between them to find Alex standing between the jambs.Her welcoming smile faded and her heart tripped when she saw his tight expression. Even though she’d only known him two days, she already knew that look meant trouble. “What’s wrong?”Striding to the desk, he pulled a copy of the morning paper out of his back pocket, unfolded it and set it in front of her to see. “This isn’t exactly the low profile we’re looking for,” he said, keeping his tone even despite his obvious irritation.Joanne peered down at the article. It showed a picture of her with the Cuban Minister, and the article was based on an interview he’d apparently given after she’d left yesterday. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened in denial before she
Risen To The Top CHAPTER 46
All eyes turned to him once more. “On top of all that,” he began, “a local paper published an interview with the Cuban Minister and printed Joanne’s picture along with certain details about why she’s here. The site’s grand opening was mentioned and we have to assume the people interested in targeting Joanne and Michelle know where it is. Won’t take an advanced degree for them to figure out when the site's people are going to visit the site. So basically the element of surprise is gone. The Connery Family are going to want to act on this if they can pull an operation together in time. Only thing in our favor right now is there’s been no chatter picked up about her or Michelle yet.”“Which means less than a handful of shit,” Duke remarked dryly, and the others muttered in agreement.“Exactly,” Alex said with a nod. “Given these new developments, both Joanne and Michelle are on lockdown until we leave for the site. In the meantime, let’s make sure we eliminate any pot
Risen To The Top CHAPTER 47
The four men with her in the vehicle seemed relaxed enough once they passed through the final military checkpoint in their journey, but Joanne’s stomach was in knots as they drove deeper into the northern part of the infamous Cuban Village. Alex had come to her room late last night to give her a brief rundown of emergency and safety procedures for the site. He’d listed them quickly and calmly, stressed he was only reviewing them all with her as standard procedure, and when she didn’t have any questions for him, he’d left. Surprisingly, knowing the procedures ahead of time actually made her feel more secure and she’d managed to sleep until her alarm woke her well before dawn.Once known as the Switzerland of the region, it was easy to see why. If she hadn’t known it was Cuba, she’d half expect to see Julie Andrews come running over the hill at any moment, dressed in a nun’s habit and singing her heart out. The high mountain peaks soared skyward, yet untouched by the coming Mists, and lu
Risen To The Top CHAPTER 48
The head manager and her two other managers called the men inside to begin work. Joanne and Michelle split up. She stopped in each ware room and lingered as the men gathered into the smallest of the three rooms to begin their first lesson. This was so different from most of the primary ware rooms she’d been in back home. Here the room had a hushed, almost reverent atmosphere. Ranging from about five through nine or so, each man sat behind a small computer, watching the manager intently as she began to write down the plans on the blackboard. Their rapt attention blew her away.She spent most of the morning observing the work and passing out simple supplies. In the upper intermediate ware room she walked in on a long division lesson. During a lull, with Zach’s help Joanne asked permission to assist, and when the manager learned Joanne was a nuclear developer from America, her eyes lit up.Joanne went around the room to help some of the men. After they overcame their initial shyness about
Risen To The Top CHAPTER 49
Through his high-powered binoculars, Alex tracked the men's steady progress across the grassy plain. Joanne was bringing up the rear, carrying a little boy. When she at last reached the emergency bunker and disappeared inside it, some of the tension in his shoulders eased. Good girl.“They’re secure,” he said in a low voice to Marshall over the squad radio. “Let’s move.” Grabbing his rifle, he climbed to his feet and prepared to make the fifty yard run across the open space to a clump of bushes he’d chosen for his next cover.Currently making their way down the hillsides on two sides of the valley wall, the attackers seemed to be converging. So far Alex’s team had spotted fourteen in total. That didn’t account for any others hidden from view or possible reinforcements coming in from other areas.Charging over the grass to his new position, he dropped to one knee and took another look around. “I’m in position. Duke, give me status.”The spotter’s steady voice ca
Risen To The Top CHAPTER 50
The enemy bore down on them in a suicidal rush, yelling their war cry. They began shooting in that weird haphazard way they had, from the hip, spraying rounds all over the place in the hopes of hitting something. A few rounds plowed into the cinderblock wall at the front of the school, sending up tiny sprays of white. He stayed off the radio, letting his men do their jobs. They’d gone over this plan before and each man knew what to do.His finger tightened on the trigger. Another ounce of pressure was all he needed to fire. His gaze locked on the man at the front of the center column. He was running flat out toward the school, mouth wide open in his bearded face as he hollered, his AK spewing rounds. Some of the shots thudded into the ground yards ahead of where Alex lay.He held his fire, waiting for the enemy to come into the kill zone. Five seconds. Four. Three. Two. One.He squeezed the trigger, firing two shots that hit the man’s chest.
Risen To The Top CHAPTER 51
Hernandez left work that evening in a cheerful mood and opted to walk over to one of his favorite cafés for a hot cup of tea before catching the bus home. The entire day had gone by without a single call from the boss and he’d made good headway on the next project in his queue. On top of that, he was looking forward to finding out if there’d been an attack on the site today.He took a shortcut down some side streets on the way from his office to avoid the crowds. The sun was just starting to set, casting a rosy glow over everything its rays touched. calls for customers to purchase the wares rang out from the traders in the market. Being near the end of the year, everyone was in high spirits about the approach of the new year celebration and looking to fill up on a good meal before the holiday price hike of goods began after the holiday. When he arrived, his favorite coffee shop was much busier than usual.After standing in line for almost fiftee
Risen To The Top CHAPTER 52
The sound of the gunfire was terrifying, but it was the sudden silence that filled Joanne’s veins with ice. A deathly stillness now engulfed the underground shelter as everyone held their breath. Only a single dim emergency light shone in the far corner, casting shadows on the rear walls. The front half of the enclosure was swallowed in blackness, increasing the sense of claustrophobia.Joanne clutched the little boy, Pablo, to her chest, struggling to stay calm in the suffocating tension. Everyone was totally still, afraid to move. She cut a glance ahead at Ray, who stared up at the trap door that led to the emergency shelter that had been built at her father’s insistence. The end of the firefight meant one of two things. Either Alex and the others had eradicated the threat, or the attackers had overwhelmed them and were coming to kill them next.Joanne swallowed hard. There was no place for them to go. Nowhere to hide but here.Hold it tog
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Evelyn came awake slowly. Painfully. A sharp ache pulsed inside her head and made her wince as she tried to open her eyes. What? She was facedown over an animal, no saddle. The animal’s spine dug into her hips and stomach.Her hands were bound. The lack of blood flow and frigid temps meant they were like ice blocks on the ends of her arms. Dammit, what if she had frostbite and was too far gone to even know it? She wriggled her fingers, and the returning blood made her gasp. She kept moving, tried to wriggle her legs but they were also bound. The struggle shifted her center of gravity until she was in danger of toppling upside-down beneath the animal and being trampled. Hell. Who’d done this to her? What did they want?The smell of musty fur was overpowering, making her throat heave as her stomach rebelled.“I’m going to be sick.” The contents of her stomach splashed against the gray talus that the horse was working hard to cross. D
They’d followed the spoor for two hours but ground sign was disappearing as dust swirled in the wind. Duke was torn. Did he keep following the unknown originator of these tracks or go back to base camp and regroup. Base camp was calling his name but he wasn’t sure whether that was because Evelyn had destroyed his objectivity or because it was the smartest thing to do.Hell, right now he was going in circles.“Let’s mark this GPS position and head back,” he said to Sri luc quietly. The sound of horses hooves drumming against solid earth made him glance in the direction of the biologists’ camp. The student—Ivan—came flying into view, coat open and flapping in time to the rhythm of the horse.“What the feck?” They’d all rendezvoused at the snare where the tracks had been spotted, but he’d sent Ivan and the local man back to camp on horseback an hour ago. He hadn’t liked the idea of Evelyn being alone, although she’d managed without hi
He split them into three groups.“Can’t I go with the doc?” Lucas moaned. He might have the reputation of being the ladies’ man of the Mountain Troop, but after what Duke had been thinking five minutes earlier while trying not to kiss Evelyn Cox’s lips, legs, and everything in between, maybe he was a frickin’ ladies’ man too.He wanted her and he’d let his eyes tell her exactly how much he wanted her.What was he thinking? There was a time and a place for that sort of thing and this wasn’t it.“No.” He kept his voice light. None of them were here to get laid. “You’re with Sri luc. Jordan you go with the Great Dane. I’m with the doc.” He gave them a firm smile that told them this wasn’t up for debate. “We’ll get the biologists to give us a demo how to tranq and release the Polar bears before we head out. I want hourly radio checks.” He nodded to the men. “It might be a couple of days until the other guys get here. I’m
When she woke she was staring straight into the startling cobalt eyes of Officer Robert Duke. He looked like he’d wait all day for her to wake up.“I must be dreaming,” she croaked.He held out a mug of black tea.“Definitely dreaming.” She sat up, took it, and sipped. The warm liquid eased her dry throat. “Thanks. What time is it?”“0600.” His voice rolled over her. She blinked groggily. There was enough of a burr in his accent to make his voice very sexy and she figured he was laying on the charm this morning.His face was scrubbed and clean-shaven. She found herself studying his features. The vivid eyes shaded by thick brows, the cheeks scraped smooth, the jaw firm and obstinate, his nose too flat to be conventionally handsome. Yet the combination stirred up her insides like hot coals. She fought the urge run her fingers through his short blond hair. He was tall and lean and he looked really, really g
Evelyn shoved back the yurt flap. Mikado flung up his hands in surprise and gave a nervous laugh. “You’re back. You scared me.”“There’s a lot of that going around.”He smiled at her, brown eyes twinkling. “Ivan was worried when the horse came back without you, but I told him you be okay.”Mikado had more faith in her than she did. He returned to whatever he was doing with the cubs.She strode to the computer and opened her email and read the message. Christ, the Trust really had forbidden her to release the animals. She inhaled deeply and tried to calm the rage that continued to burn inside. They thought she was overreacting and had no proof, and in the next sentence they told her it was too dangerous for her and Ivan to go after a guy with a gun. Ivan came slowly into the tent. She didn’t know if he was scared or angry. He had a right to be both.“Did you reply to this email?” She was vibrating with em
For fuck’s sake. He spat in the dirt. Great. He’d spent his whole life fighting against scumbag terrorists and what happened? He ended up accused of being exactly the same sort of nutcase by someone he was trying to help. It stung. He wasn’t about to let her know that.“That’s right, love. That’s why they pay me the big bucks, so let’s move it.” He maneuvered her in front of him. “Step where the trooper steps if you want to keep your legs.” He let her walk a few paces ahead and spoke into his comms. “Jordan and Lucas, keep a low profile as we head back to the RV. See if this bastard’s hiding somewhere and decides to follow us.”They both acknowledged with radio clicks and he followed Evelyn through the bush and along the rocky path. The old guy must be damn good or damn lucky to have spotted them near that other collar. He must have night vision equipment to move so swiftly at night too. Or he had insider information.Duke moved cl
The midday sun beat harshly on this patch of barren rock, melting the inch of snow that had fallen during the morning. The woman beside him had finally stopped wriggling and fallen asleep a couple of hours ago. His team was in position and they’d been on stag duty while he caught a quick nap. Now he was wide awake and refreshed, but so far, nothing yet.What had made Vladimir jores turn his back on his former homeland? What made him defect to fight on the side of people who got their kicks out of brutalizing innocent civilians?Duke understood terrorists better than anyone this side of a suicide vest. He’d grown up with them, would probably have become one himself if not for the tragic death of his sister. That was the family business, right alongside farming. Being immersed in that indoctrinated shit from a young age meant he understood how people born into it found it hard to break free. It was so ingrained, so fecking normal. Talk about brainwashing. H
How many years had it been since she’d held hands with a guy? A soldier? A shiver brushed over her skin like a ghost from the past.It felt strange. As if she’d been transported back in time. And yet, here she was, relying on the strength of those long, strong, foreign fingers to guide her safely through the night. Adjusting her footing in response to subtle pressure changes, tuning her body to match his. Trusting a man she’d just met. Relying on a man, period.It wasn’t something she did.It wasn’t who she was.She believed in saving things, in using data to make her point, not violence. But data wasn’t going to save her Polar bears from their current predicament. Her fingers tightened involuntarily and he slowed to match her pace. The guy was fit, not even breathing heavily, despite everything they’d been through and how many miles they’d walked. She was fit too, she ran and worked out, but exhaustion was making her
As Evelyn lay down, her mind kept wavering back to years ago when she was still a child.When her grandfather was still the minister of ammunition, their family had been good friends with the Connery family so they always stood by each other.Her grandfather had hated L.j corporation because they and Connery corporation were rivals.They each made weapons for governments and L.j corporation were beginning to outsell Connery corporation.She remembered the old Mr Connery coming to visit her grandfather and the two of them talking in hushtones about the issues.During that period, a heated rivalry had begun and it all came to its peak one cold night, years ago.she remembered it clearly.Her mind went back through the years, reliving the moment.“Come away from there, Evelyn. Quickly now.”Evelyn knew better than to argue with her mother, but sh