Chapter 4

The early hours of the morning weren't the same as they've always been for Niko, he couldn't get enough sleep and all he could think about was the mysterious transfer of money into his account and the voice of that random caller telling him he knows so well about him and his family “That man better not be playing games with me.” He muttered getting out of bed. “Four O'clock I need to be at the Winxel building, man I'm so nervous right now.”

He stepped out of the house seeing his Latina neighbor doing some exercise on a mat placed on her corridor. “I hate this girl but I gotta give her credit for her daily workouts. Good determination, bad girl.” He briefly watered the flower at his backyard and before he could go back into the house he saw a black SUV approaching with speed “Who the hell drives this crazy in the morning?” He wasn't about to get an answer.

The car powerfully stopped infront of him after a crazy drift, the doors opened and three men rushed out all dressed in black and covering black ski masks “Get in the fucking car!” One of them shouted pointing a gun to Niko’s head “I said get in the car or I'll blow your brains up.” He pushed Niko at the back.

“Who are you?” Niko asked and immediately regretted it as he was answered with a heavy blow to his stomach followed with a kick on his buttock. “Shut the fuck up and get in the damn car.”

Niko couldn't ask any more questions, all he could do was panic and wonder who these guys were and what they wanted from him.

For a moment, a thought crossed his mind “Oh I know who's responsible for this, It's definitely Vikkie and that stupid fat man she shamelessly sleeps with for money.” But he wasn't sure about this. There was a black cloth covered over his head now and a tape on his mouth to prevent talking “My Latina neighbour must have seen how this happened, didn't she see me getting kidnapped? Why didn't she scream or call for help? She must know something about it too.” He wasn't sure about this either, all he could do was assume a lot of things since he couldn't stop.

Finally the car stopped and he was taken out, he felt the early morning sun on his skin as soon as he left the vehicle but then he suddenly felt the presence of walls around him, they were in a big empty dark room. “Take off the bag and remove his blindfold.” A voice said and it was obeyed immediately.

But Niko still couldn't see a thing because there was no light in the room. “What do y'all want from me?” He struggled to ask.

“This dude better stop asking stupid questions before I give him an uppercut.” A deep voice came in the dark.

Tap! Someone touched the switch and the lights came on, bright fluorescent light that made Niko squint his eyes. He'd been in darkness for too long and couldn't stand that bright environment.

A few minutes later, someone walked into the room, a young man just like him but richer and obviously more comfortable, the tiled floor sounded to each step he took with those neatly polished expensive shoes, hair neatly styled but the smile was demonic. There were no masks on their faces now and Niko could see them clearly.

“Niko Foster, what a surprise to finally see you, my name is Zayne Foster! And I am not happy to see you at all.”

Niko needed at least a minute to process the little information he just got right there, “Foster? Did you just say your name is Zayne Foster?”

“Yes idiot”

“We have the same last name.”

“Obviously, and that last name we share is my biggest problem.” He went over to the table in front of Niko grabbing a pistol which was already placed on it. “You Niko, you are my biggest problem.”

“But I don't even know you and I don't know what I did to you.”

“Well, you're gonna find out soon, too bad you won't live to talk about it.” He kissed the gun “tell me, you received 10 million dollars in your damn bank account didn't you?” Zayne asked with an angry face.

“Ye.. Yes.” There was no need to lie, Zayne knew exactly what he was doing.

“That money is mine and you're gonna give it back to me!”

“What? But I was told it's my inheritance money and I'm supposed to meet someone who sent it to me today at four o'clock.”

“Shut the fuck up you piece of shit! You think you can just deliver pizzas all your life and then wake up to a jackpot of 10 million dollars one day? While I've spent my entire life serving dad and making sure everything in the companies are moving on track?”

“What is he even saying?” Niko couldn't understand, what father was he talking about? What company? “Can you please explain all these to me please? I don't understand what's really going on.” He finally said.

Yeah I know your stupid fish brain can't really get things fast enough. Now I'll break it down to you.” Zayne reached for a glass of wine on the table, “me and you, we both answer Foster as our last name, but that's not a coincidence.”

“Please I don't want any trouble just tell me what you want with me.”

Clap! Clap! Clap! Three dirty slaps right across Niko’s face and he was forced to be silent.

“Shut the hell up and listen to me dummy. One stupid word from you and I'm gonna end you right now.” Zayne hated being interrupted “I said, the money that was sent to you is my money! It's rightfully mine. We have the same last name, and it's not a coincidence, I'm gonna explain everything to you cos obviously you're not smart enough to understand.”

“Don't fucking insult me!”

“I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear you raising your voice at me like that.”

“Who are you really?”

“It's a song by Mikky Ekko ha ha. I know you wont get the joke, you're too dumb.”

Niko didn't care, he asked again “Zayne Foster, who are you really?”

“First, you can just call me brother, cos I actually am your elder brother!”

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