SACRED (The Diamonds Series one)
Book one (Awakening the diamonds)Chapter one (The Ancient History) In the ancient world, world were no man or human is created or exists, a godly universe, he’s blessed with the power the control and rule over them all. He ruled for over and more than decades with justice and equality, nothing seems out of line, everything in order except for his right hand ruler jealousy. His jealousy for his throne, his jealousy to rule, his jealousy for his powers. It clouded his mind he began plotting, plotting on how to dethrone, kill, and collect the king’s power. Having his whole trust in his right hand man he always wave the visions and words he heard of his upcoming doom and betrayal from someone he knows with all trust.He became a half angel and half demon, having the forbidden powers.He was cast away but he came back, this time ten times stronger, this time ten times powerful. He kill those who refuse to bow in front of him, he bestowed part of his dark powers upon those who choose to follow me. His plan to kill the king was ruined as the king himself isn’t weak, they fought but he had the upper hand, he nearly killed him but he manage to put him into a limbo, that place where you exist in that lonely part of existence, he became history. Controlled by his mark on his followers they took his path, acting on his words they carry on the plan. Having no other option he choose to escape, abandoning his own followers in the enemies’s hand peoplethought. He rush falling down the space, straight down the earth he fell on the lifeless side of it, in his hand he held the life orb of the kingdom he ruled, the one that just perished and lost in the hand of his trusted right hand man. Looking everywhere, his shiny white wings broken, he slammed on the floor the glassy orb, dusts flayed out surrounding him. “Here we shall dwelled!” He stretched out his hands giving and securing the life he created.“I shall be protected, I shall live, I shall exist with the world powerful archeons!” He said slowly turning into white dust, he faded into dusts coming together and forming a shiny white diamond. Life brewed as beings slowly rise from the white small stones. Elves, witches, werewolves, vampires, and many other supernatural creatures stood up and become a sole being of the mighty ARCHEDEON.*Three hundred years later* Welcome to ARCHEDEON! To every other world and universe, the place never existed, but it does, at the left lifeless side of the earth. It does to the people living inside, it doesn’t to the outside dwellers. Many things have change. In this kingdom many creatures lives in, all group and classified.The Merthers are the Earth defenders, the first and the earthly part of ARCHEDEON, they’re creatures of werewolves, vampire, witches and other creatures of godly animals. The Derthers are the Earth worshippers, the second and the oceanic part of ARCHEDEON, they’re the ocean creatures, they consist of sirens, mermaids, and every living sea creatures. The Upthers are the Earth Blessers, the third and the upper part of ARCHEDEON, they’re the faes, fairies, and other flying creatures. Lastly the Demeathers, the center of ARCHEDEON, here all creatures are all welcome, regardless of who you are or what you are, they’re all welcome, it the only civilized and modern part of ARCHEDEON. They all are expose to the world but as strangers and aliens, once is always when they go into the outside world and come back, there is a school, a school where they trained all citizens how to master and control each special abilities or powers. Years passed and life at ARCHEDEON was normal. Until suddenly a pink moon arise, signaling a change in order. The little girl foretold, thy shall take place. “He will rise, he will be awaken, he will strengthen himself, he will locate us, he shall find us, but ye he choose and created, four special beings are formed, they’re unknown but amidst us, they shall grow and find out, they’re sacred, destiny will find and lead them. I repeat destiny should lead them! Destiny made them sacred! And SACRED they shall be!”*Narration* He breathe with eyes closed, fingers folded and placed on his crossed thighs, chest lifted and face rested, he hummed impatiently. He maintained the meditating position for a whole minute straight before stepping down the air in haste, in haste of what he’s trying to see or open that isn’t working.“I don’t know what else I need to do, I calmed, I think, I closed, I off, I did everything she told me to do!” He yelled loudly to himself pacing up and down the lonely room. On him he wore an ash colored cloak, his brown tan skin shining, his brown eyeball changing colors from dark to red to white and more multiple colors, it change according to his emotions. Blue when he sighs and signal he’s calm, red when he’s impatient, dark when he’s angry, brown when he’s normal and isn’t feeling anything.He’s mysterious!He isn’t a witch, or sorcerer, his being is not understand, he have no idea what exactly is his power, he’s not certain of what he can do, he knew sometimes his power work with his emotions. Fear flash through his eyes when the entire place rumbled due to his mixed emotions, he place a resting palm on his chest heaving up and down, breathing out slowly. “I need to find out who am I!” He muttered angrily leaving the room. Things turned fair dust immediately he left the room, following him an unknown wind keep blowing around, he walk trying his best to stay sane and not lose control. He reached and stopped at the sight of many people ahead of him, they look like students, they’re students. The look on his face want nothing than to go back to where he came from, but looking back he saw what his anger did to the place, looking down his feet seemed to as glued to the floor he’s standing on. Approaching him the curly girl walk with a taunted smile, “Mevris!” The girl muttered raising a finger up, corresponding with her finger the timid young looking boy facing down slowly rose up his feet, lightly lifted up the ground. The girls chuckled wiggling her finger controlling the boy’s movement. He said nothing than cover his face with both his palms, feeling shy and not welcome the whole student gathered around the girl and watch her torment the boy. Suddenly a heavy air blew around, the sky suddenly become dark as slowly the palm on his face dropped, seeing his eyeball rolling in darkness numerous heavy winds keep blowing past the hall. Surprise at this the girl keep uttering countless words to tame the boy, “Leave me alone!” The dark voice said coming from the boy, a heavy wind push the girl backward sending her back hitting the wall with her face colliding the floor and whole body stagnant at once. He never come down, rather sands, water, light white visible air, unknown fire keep rounding the levitating boy, his entire face manly, his mouth stretched in a demonic grin, his eyes all black. Raising a finger the entire running away student slowly lifted up, “I want your screams! Your wails!” He laughed wickedly.Doors cackled against each other, windows blew harshly in and out, thunder strike running on the surface of the sky, darkness find it way to earth surface, earth itself rumbled loudly.Suddenly out of nowhere she came, “Be gone!” The woman in white flowing dress said with a wave of hand sending everything back as it should be. The boy dropped lifelessly but alive on the floor but was caught and controlled to lay gently on the floor. He eyes returning back to brown, the normal color, the four elements surrounding him disappeared like it never came, the sky returning back to normal like it never darken, the student running fearfully back to their classes as if the boy isn’t on the floor passed out. With a sigh she create a portal sending the boy back to somewhere amidst the school she just created again. “Destiny sometimes can be confusing!” She said before entering the portal she created. Suddenly on the laying boy head, it shine slowly but brightly, a sign ticked, marking itself on his forehead.Grunting and struggling the boy managed to utter. “Beware! For he’s awaken and it’s awaken!” His voice sounding round the courtroom.“Who’s that? What’s awaken!-“ another voice cut her off saying.“Remember, they’re SACRED! And destiny they said it shall lead them, and will lead them.”“What are we suppose to do then?” She asked sounding confused.“We’re to watch and let destiny lead us all!”“But-““Hey!” She called with a finger raised cutting her off deadly. “Let Destiny lead us! And that’s final, it ends here!”“But what if he’s the one, I mean he’s action today prove he might be.”“Secha! It ends here!” She yelled transporting them all with a wave. One thing pondering in her mind, having all her brain and head scattered, “Is it truly possible he’s the one!”To be continued…..A/N: Who is that? What is he?Related Chapters
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Chapter two (Kale Lane)*Narration* Heavy rains shot harshly down from the sky, thunder drums raged loudly against the dark clouds. The whoosh heard from the waves crashing harshly towards the shores, an heavy tide raising above the water up descending back down with it kissing the thunder. Her breathe rushing as she swam for her life, she swam glancing back every minute to see those who are after her life. Enhanced dark sirens, sent to take her life, because she’s the princess, the one and only heir to the throne of SEALDAHTIS, the heart realm of the whole ocean. She had no powers, or they’ were hidden because she couldn’t fought back when they first attack her, she swam faster ducking the sea weeds flowing lightly on her way. Unfortunately they caught up with her, holding her down one raised to deep her claw full nails in her heart when she screamed, she screamed in fear, the scream sending the whole sea on edge, the scream at once bursting the three sirens into
SACREDs: The Chosen Ones Uncovering
Chapter three(Uncovering)*Narration* (Outside ARCHEDEON) Somewhere in North California woods. They ran faster not cause they’re scared, but for the fun of it. They ran looking back to taunt those chasing them. Both are a boy and a girl, the icy white haired boy and the red auburn brown hair girl. Both ran with no particular place in their mind, legs clapping against the ground. “This is getting bored, should we just kill them?” The girl asked stopping on her tracks looking at her brother. They’re siblings, they look like twins because they look so much alike, they look the same age, they must be twins, they’re definitely twins. “And what fun would that be if we do that?” He asked back also stopping. “No fun! But they’d probably be thinking we’re weak!” She whined looking like a real child.“They’re humans, what do you expect?” He replied picking a scent to look like, he sniffed gazing around.“C’mon! You can’t smell a food, we’re still young, even though our wolf came
SACREDs: The Chosen Ones The Shiny Girl
Chapter four Chapter four (The shiny girl) In terms of adventurous, she is, in terms of dangerous, she is also, the red haired girl skip around, jumping from a tree to another, grabbing the tree trunks like an expert, chasing monkeys with a bright smile plastered on her cute face. “Ugh!” The guy below scoffed out of frustration, all the loads they were with is all on the boy, they’re not much, just a school like bag. The girl carried nothing and do nothing than get angry for not seeing the monkey she’s chasing again. “Am gonna burn this whole woods down if I didn’t find that monkey!” She shouted already burning a tree.“And am gonna froze you into a statue and carry you for the rest of this journey!” He replied not minding her. “Oh really, how long do you think it’d hold before I melt them all out!” She smirked giving him dare look.“You want us to find out!” He replied with a bold look. “All you have to do is come down here!” He smirked back folding his hands.“I’m not arg
SACREDs: The Chosen Ones Chapter five
Chapter five (The Dragon) They skip through the woods exhausted, out of water, food, and every other things keeping them alive. “I’m tired, I need to rest!” She said finding a tidy spot for herself to sit on the ground before sitting down there, her sweaty face resting on her curled up knee as a deep sigh left her lips. “We have to keep moving but truly we need rest!” He replied dropping the bad his holding down. Suddenly he lean up a bit sniffing the air. “Can you smell that?” He sniffed harder standing up. “There is a village around here!” He pick up the bag dragging his sister up. “Let go there!” They arrive at the small village located in the woods. In front of them is some kids running around, smokes coming from different small small houses. He pick the amazing scent again trailing it to a local eatery, the place look so indecent you’d think the nice smell isn’t coming from there. They look so disgusted looking at the place and quickly settling on leaving there a
SACREDs: The Chosen Ones Chapter six
Chapter six (The Elemental Male Witch) They left the small town in smile and chuckles as it seems relationship developed between them and the villagers already. They helped them double what they have and gave them more foods and drink to sustain them more for their journey. They start their journey heading west inside deep the forest with just both of them, nothing seems out of space or line as both keep walking further and deeper with no particular of where they’re actually heading to in both mind. The girl stopped stretching her ear saying she picked up an unusual sound. Truly weird sound keep coming from nowhere in particular. Rustling sound of leaves and various footsteps beating the ground loudly in both ears as both become conscious and ready to face whatever is coming or about to happen. Suddenly a sharp dagger from no angle or direction suddenly went straight stopping inside the girl’s heart as the marked ancient like dagger turn ashes with boiled red s
SACREDs: The Chosen Ones Chapter 7
Chapter seven (A revelation Spell) The girl and his brother ran desperately for safety, pushing their bodies to its running limits as they feared for their end. Her eyes darted across the vast darkish woods, searching for the possible apparition that led to them taking to their heels. There she saw them, those unknown beings who relentlessly pursued their life. Heavy running constant footsteps, two chest heaving up and down like a drum, legs rushing past the trees and leaves making up the forests. They never seized leaving them alone, getting up immediately they recovered from the hit they took off chasing the twin. The twin both glancing back at many intervals, they stopped at reaching a dead end close to a never ending narrow ocean in front of them. Then continue not wasting time the boy step freezing his path on the water, creating an icy ground for him and his sister to run on, they ran not stopping in between a long, narrow, deep inlet of the sea between high cliff
SACREDs: The Chosen Ones We’re still together.
Chapter eight (We’re still together…) They knelt down looking at their surrounding, it’s ancient kind of but couldn’t help themselves than getting captivated with the palace inner beauty, the regal decoration and all. The Golden throne, the white marble floor, the flawless design on the walls, pictures and frames of many ancient beings including the moon goddess herself, Zeus and some other gods hanged upon the walls giving the palace hall the perfect taste. Both kept savoring at the beauty before the queen showed herself looking so disturbed or troubled. With a perturbed face she sat on her throne immediately supporting her resting head with an arm. “What’s it?” She questioned.“We saw this two coming in and they claim they don’t know who they are.” One of the guards who brought them said.“Coming in where, be specific!” Her voice sounded piss. “They were at the gate, and none of our attack-“ he suddenly stopped talking kneeling down, he bent his head with his eyes clos
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Chapter nine (The Dark path) Nothing changed, just the red haired girl missing her brother badly and sulked up in a room given to her thinking of their memories and times together. She was able to convince them that she’s not a threat, she explained everything and how they got there to them. And at the mention that she was from the human world they got interested in her, minutes later people were actually asking how that place is like. Not long she was treated like one, already has a room, and everything she needed. Kale himself got back to the palace alongside the queen, they talked about how he went through with what he did, having the whole city know what he is. He went back to his room before remembering there is a girl he saved and put in care of he don’t even remember. Standing up he dash out in search of the girl or to ask her whereabout. Amidst somewhere, he could be seen walking aimlessly heading north with no particular destination in his head, he haven’t gotten
Latest Chapter
Chapter eleven (Trapped) Author’s POV Hey readers! Just feel like informing you peeps, there won’t be no more narrations, from now it gonna be the characters’s point of views. Don’t forget to review and recommend this more for your friends to read *Reya* My brother is back and I have a lot to share with me, I miss him I won’t lie, I can’t wait to tell him all I know. I got to my room in haste as I met him staring out my window with his whole body upside down, I don’t know he can do this or believe he can. There is a different strange aura surrounding him. “Nate!” I called having his attention. “You’re back!” I added trying to detect the weirdness in his aura. Ignoring it at last I went close hugging him. “I miss you!” I muttered hugging him really tight. Okay this doesn’t seem my brother, might look my brother but is not my brother, I know my brother, no matter what he won’t allow me hug me on norms, the fact that we hug when he was leaving is still a moment I’m trying to re
Chapter ten (Possessed) “Welcome Orion! We’ve been expecting you.” The voice echoed laughingly from nowhere in particular. The place in total darkness leading to nowhere, he stood amidst the darkness starring at nothing in particular. “There is something I just want you to do, and that is…!” Dark energy from nowhere emitted from the air surrounding the boy before his body completely swallow it all with his eyes turning deep black completely. “Now go my servant, and do what you’re told to do.” The voice ordered fading into thin air. Like it was never there or happened, the boy found himself back where he stopped before he heard a howl, wondering what happened before his senses was swapped and eyes turning from icy blue to black as he marched forward going to the city palace.*Kale* I place a deaf spell on me and my beautiful dragon to prevent ourselves from untimely death. None of my spells on this red haired girl is staying for long so I pity her, she keep glaring at the long
The Dark Path
Chapter nine (The Dark path) Nothing changed, just the red haired girl missing her brother badly and sulked up in a room given to her thinking of their memories and times together. She was able to convince them that she’s not a threat, she explained everything and how they got there to them. And at the mention that she was from the human world they got interested in her, minutes later people were actually asking how that place is like. Not long she was treated like one, already has a room, and everything she needed. Kale himself got back to the palace alongside the queen, they talked about how he went through with what he did, having the whole city know what he is. He went back to his room before remembering there is a girl he saved and put in care of he don’t even remember. Standing up he dash out in search of the girl or to ask her whereabout. Amidst somewhere, he could be seen walking aimlessly heading north with no particular destination in his head, he haven’t gotten
We’re still together.
Chapter eight (We’re still together…) They knelt down looking at their surrounding, it’s ancient kind of but couldn’t help themselves than getting captivated with the palace inner beauty, the regal decoration and all. The Golden throne, the white marble floor, the flawless design on the walls, pictures and frames of many ancient beings including the moon goddess herself, Zeus and some other gods hanged upon the walls giving the palace hall the perfect taste. Both kept savoring at the beauty before the queen showed herself looking so disturbed or troubled. With a perturbed face she sat on her throne immediately supporting her resting head with an arm. “What’s it?” She questioned.“We saw this two coming in and they claim they don’t know who they are.” One of the guards who brought them said.“Coming in where, be specific!” Her voice sounded piss. “They were at the gate, and none of our attack-“ he suddenly stopped talking kneeling down, he bent his head with his eyes clos
Chapter 7
Chapter seven (A revelation Spell) The girl and his brother ran desperately for safety, pushing their bodies to its running limits as they feared for their end. Her eyes darted across the vast darkish woods, searching for the possible apparition that led to them taking to their heels. There she saw them, those unknown beings who relentlessly pursued their life. Heavy running constant footsteps, two chest heaving up and down like a drum, legs rushing past the trees and leaves making up the forests. They never seized leaving them alone, getting up immediately they recovered from the hit they took off chasing the twin. The twin both glancing back at many intervals, they stopped at reaching a dead end close to a never ending narrow ocean in front of them. Then continue not wasting time the boy step freezing his path on the water, creating an icy ground for him and his sister to run on, they ran not stopping in between a long, narrow, deep inlet of the sea between high cliff
Chapter six
Chapter six (The Elemental Male Witch) They left the small town in smile and chuckles as it seems relationship developed between them and the villagers already. They helped them double what they have and gave them more foods and drink to sustain them more for their journey. They start their journey heading west inside deep the forest with just both of them, nothing seems out of space or line as both keep walking further and deeper with no particular of where they’re actually heading to in both mind. The girl stopped stretching her ear saying she picked up an unusual sound. Truly weird sound keep coming from nowhere in particular. Rustling sound of leaves and various footsteps beating the ground loudly in both ears as both become conscious and ready to face whatever is coming or about to happen. Suddenly a sharp dagger from no angle or direction suddenly went straight stopping inside the girl’s heart as the marked ancient like dagger turn ashes with boiled red s
Chapter five
Chapter five (The Dragon) They skip through the woods exhausted, out of water, food, and every other things keeping them alive. “I’m tired, I need to rest!” She said finding a tidy spot for herself to sit on the ground before sitting down there, her sweaty face resting on her curled up knee as a deep sigh left her lips. “We have to keep moving but truly we need rest!” He replied dropping the bad his holding down. Suddenly he lean up a bit sniffing the air. “Can you smell that?” He sniffed harder standing up. “There is a village around here!” He pick up the bag dragging his sister up. “Let go there!” They arrive at the small village located in the woods. In front of them is some kids running around, smokes coming from different small small houses. He pick the amazing scent again trailing it to a local eatery, the place look so indecent you’d think the nice smell isn’t coming from there. They look so disgusted looking at the place and quickly settling on leaving there a
The Shiny Girl
Chapter four Chapter four (The shiny girl) In terms of adventurous, she is, in terms of dangerous, she is also, the red haired girl skip around, jumping from a tree to another, grabbing the tree trunks like an expert, chasing monkeys with a bright smile plastered on her cute face. “Ugh!” The guy below scoffed out of frustration, all the loads they were with is all on the boy, they’re not much, just a school like bag. The girl carried nothing and do nothing than get angry for not seeing the monkey she’s chasing again. “Am gonna burn this whole woods down if I didn’t find that monkey!” She shouted already burning a tree.“And am gonna froze you into a statue and carry you for the rest of this journey!” He replied not minding her. “Oh really, how long do you think it’d hold before I melt them all out!” She smirked giving him dare look.“You want us to find out!” He replied with a bold look. “All you have to do is come down here!” He smirked back folding his hands.“I’m not arg
Chapter three(Uncovering)*Narration* (Outside ARCHEDEON) Somewhere in North California woods. They ran faster not cause they’re scared, but for the fun of it. They ran looking back to taunt those chasing them. Both are a boy and a girl, the icy white haired boy and the red auburn brown hair girl. Both ran with no particular place in their mind, legs clapping against the ground. “This is getting bored, should we just kill them?” The girl asked stopping on her tracks looking at her brother. They’re siblings, they look like twins because they look so much alike, they look the same age, they must be twins, they’re definitely twins. “And what fun would that be if we do that?” He asked back also stopping. “No fun! But they’d probably be thinking we’re weak!” She whined looking like a real child.“They’re humans, what do you expect?” He replied picking a scent to look like, he sniffed gazing around.“C’mon! You can’t smell a food, we’re still young, even though our wolf came