It's Time

Seth leaned on the bar, how the statement made by her weighed on her. He realized the truth was more painful than the whiskey. He had been attempting to suppress the fact that even though Emma was trying to fix him, she was never what he desired. She was a bandage on an open sore that could never be healed.

He massaged his temples, the pain of his ideas blending with the ethanol. Instead, Seth commented: “She doesn’t deserve that”. "She deserves better."

The woman beside him paused for some time to allow him to fully comprehend what he had said. “Then perhaps,” she whispered, “it is time to let go of what is no longer yours.” You are so attached to something that happened in the past that you are causing harm to everyone around you including yourself.

Seth leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, a heavy breath escaping him. He knew she was right. He had been holding on to the memory of Phoebe, to a life they used to have, although that life was no longer a reality. Although in h
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