Alexander, after a lengthy period of anticipation, finally embarked on a transformative day. He started by taking a swift yet refreshing shower, embracing the cascade of warm water that washed away the feeling of being underground. Dressed in a meticulously tailored black three-piece suit, his attire symbolized a desire to re-emerge from the shadows and bask in the world of power he had come to cherish.

    For years, Alexander had revelled in the exhilaration of overseeing the business that his father had established. It was a world where he relished the thrills that came with the territory, where his charisma and influence knew no bounds. Today marked a turning point, and he was eager to make his presence known.

Descending the grand staircase with measured, confident strides, Alexander exuded the aura of a man who had returned to reclaim his empire. As he reached the front door, it swung open to reveal a procession of sleek, black exotic cars. Each vehicle oozed class and hinted at the power he wielded.

Spectre, a loyal and steadfast confidant who had served his father faithfully, emerged from the second car. With a bow that conveyed both respect and unwavering loyalty, Spectre greeted Alexander with a formal "young master." Alexander, acknowledging Specter's presence with a curt nod, understood the significance of their connection. Specter had been a pillar of support in his father's world, and he had no doubt that this bond would continue into the new era.

Specter gestured for Alexander to join him by the waiting car, and one of his guards dutifully held the door open. As he settled into the plush leather interior, Alexander felt a renewed sense of power. Today, he was no longer confined to the shadows; he was back, ready to reignite the legacy that had always been his to inherit.

   Arriving at the airport, they stepped onto the plane – a plane that belonged to Alexander. As he gazed out of the window, he couldn't help but express his joy, saying, "It feels great to be back." Alexander was eager to reunite with his father, who had been incarcerated. The high commissioner had played a role in putting Alexander's father behind bars, although this wasn't the first time he'd been in prison. Remarkably, even while imprisoned, Alexander's father continued to manage his business seamlessly.

Now, Alexander's father had regained his freedom, using his own mysterious methods. Yet, during his time away, father and son had never directly spoken. They communicated through messages left for each other, keeping their connection alive despite the separation. 

Their initial destination was his father's villa. As the car proceeded through the gated entrance, an inexplicable chill crept over him, intensifying his sense that something was amiss. His father was meant to be there to greet him. Alexander knew his father so well, and this absence was unusual.

"Specter, is my father alright?" he inquired, his tone betraying his growing concern. "He's inside, boss," Specter, who occupied the front seat, responded. The title of "boss" given to him by Specter seemed out of place. Typically, they referred to his father as such. Was his father unwell?

Alexander alighted from the car and entered the villa through the already open doors. He made his way towards his father's bedroom, only to find it empty. His father's study yielded the same result, appearing as if it hadn't been used in quite some time. Specter entered the room with a solemn countenance.

"I'm sorry, boss," he began.

"What's happening? I mean, what happened? Why are you sorry?" Alexander questioned, his voice strained. Specter shifted uncomfortably.

"Your father passed away a month ago."

This revelation struck Alexander with disbelief. He had maintained indirect contact with his father despite their lack of direct communication.

"What happened to him?" he inquired.

"He fell ill while still in prison, and his condition deteriorated when he got out," Specter explained. Alexander's emotions intensified; he paced the room, struggling to contain his anger and sorrow.

"Why was I not informed of this?" he demanded.

"We intended to tell you, but the boss didn't want you rushing back and risking your safety," Specter replied. Alexander's rage mounted, leading him to forcefully push papers off a table, sending objects clattering to the floor, and ultimately hurling a lamp against the wall.

   He asked to see his father's grave, Specter took him to the garden where a tomb had been built for his father. He asked to be left alone, tears rolled down his eyes, he had never felt so alone in this world, his mother had died during childbirth and his father never remarried, his father was his closest friend and confidant.

   After he was done paying respect to his father, he walked back into the house, he needed to make a few calls or more than a few. When he got inside Specter handed him an envelope from his father. He felt better after reading the content, he knew who he'd call first.

    Paulo was just about to step out of his house when his phone rang, it was an unknown number, this was his private number only a few had it, he answered anyways. The call went on for about a minute and Paulo could be seen zooming off in his car after he dropped the call.

     Alexander, Sebastian's son was in the country, Alex was like a son to Paulo. He knew how father and child loved each other. As he drove through the city, he recalled the pain that his friend Sebastian had lived with because he had to let Alex go for a while. When Sebastian fell ill he had been by his side from start to finish. He didn't want his best friend to be alone at the very end of his life. Paulo knew someone had poisoned his friend, they tried all they could but it was too late to save him, the poison had slowly eaten deep into the poor man, All he could do was offer his support till the end.

      Paulo drove into the villa, stopped his car and came out, the guards will repark it for him. He walked into the living room and saw Alex drinking a glass of wine, his back turned to him. He walked towards him "welcome home son" he said and hugged him while patting him on the back ". Thanks Paulo" Alex replied "please have a seat" Paulo took a seat as Alex signaled for another glass and wine to be brought.

"I am really sorry for your loss son" he began, "I know" Alex replied. Grief seemed to have made the poor boy look older or was it those years of being underground. Paulo didn't know what it was but he was sure he was even wiser and ready to step into the shoes of his father. 

  "I tried to change his mind but it was his dying wish that you don't see him suffer" Alex signed, the reality of it was still dawning on him. "Specter said he was sick for a while, even before his release" 

"Yes that is true" He nodded.

"What was wrong with him" Alex inquired

Paulo exhaled deeply "I think he was poisoned" 

Alex stood up "God damn it!!" "I need you to calm down and listen to me Alex, I know you're hurt but I believe the people who did this to your father may be after you too" Alex gulped down the content of his glass before he sat back down.

"What are you telling me"

"In our line of business Alex one can never be too sure, you have to watch your back or someone might stab you in it."

Alex nodded in agreement. 

"The situation that led to your father's incarceration and eventually death is very dicey, we have to tread with caution"

"I know that" 

"After your father's death, I began to make my findings, at first I believed the high commissioner had a hand in his death but then I discovered something even worse" he looked up at Alex as if he was about to announce another bad news.

"What did you find out?" Alex shifted to the edge of his chair, clearly apprehensive.

"I may be wrong but I believe your uncle Fernandez had a hand in it, if not directly, somehow"

Alex shook his head in refusal "I am not sure I understand you sir" "look I knew my father and uncle Fernandez had their differences but I don't think he could hurt a fly, the man is a reverend father"

Paulo looked grave "wolves can hide amongst sheep son, I would advise you to do your own findings and tell me what you find."

Alex nodded still in obvious disbelief. 

"It's good to have you back son" Paulo said standing up to take his leave.

"Leaving already? I asked the chef to make something for dinner"

"Don't worry I'd pass, and Alex…" he lowered his voice to almost a whisper "please be careful around here no one is your friend" 

"Thank you Paulo" Alex shook hands with him as he walked him to the door.


  As soon as Paulo left, Alex retired to his dad's study and only resurfaced when the chef rang the bell for dinner. He barely ate anything, the weight of what he had just found out made his heart heavy.

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