Ch 15 - Strange Faces

POV: Spectra.

The silhouettes drew closer until they became clear. Somebody flicked on a bulb and the hall became as bright as day. I studied the assailants; four boys who looked my age. They were tall, muscular, and generally rough and they oddly looked familiar. I surveyed the surroundings and I saw a safe. That must be what they were there for, to crack the safe.

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” One of them, apparently their leader asked. He had a deep, husky voice, but that didn't scare me. Not one bit.

“Who I am isn't important at the moment,” I countered. “what’s more important is that you all leave that safe untouched.”

The boys looked at each other and then they broke into a roaring laughter. I stood down, unflinching.

“Now let me tell you something, bro,” he said, eyeing the badge on my shirt. “You’re from the academy, interesting. Now, I am giving you a chance to walk out of here unscathed. Just go home to your momma and we'll forget this. We won't come after you
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