The minotaurs looked at each other in disbelief.

"Moo! What is happening here and why are you all wasting time to get me out of this place. Moo!" A richly dressed minotaur stepped out of the wagon and in anger he slammed the door of the wagon shut. He was dressed on a purple thigh length tunic, a sleeveless chain mail shirt and a golden hoof shoe. He wore golden bracers and a golden chain hung around his neck with a golden skull crested on it coupled with three silver rings on his three fingers.

"Moo! My Lord it is this old creature he says he wishes to go to Goreland." One of the minotaurs said while he dismounted from his horse however four other minotaurs followed suit.

"Moo! What is that? Moo!"

"I - I suppose you are Lord Bjorfuran Boldfury?" Asked Lord Mordian shakily.

Lord Bjorfuran Boldfury looked at one of his dismounted guards before turning back to Lord Mordian. "Yes." He growled.

Lord Mordian smiled. "I ha - have something for your king, thi - this is for your ki - king A
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