Author: LuciaWrites
Chapter 1

In the bustling cafeteria of Williams college, Archie found himself standing alone at the counter. His friends had already settled down at their usual table, their laughter mingling with the clatter of trays and utensils. He fumbled through his worn wallet, counting out the meager coins with a sinking feeling in his stomach.

The cafeteria attendant, a woman with a perpetually bored expression, glanced at Archie with thinly veiled disdain. “Running short again, Archie?”

Archie’s cheeks burned with embarrassment as he tried to summon a response. “Uh, yeah, just a bit short today,” he muttered.

“I’ll get you the rest later,” he began, his voice trailing off as he tried to meet the attendant’s eyes. But before he could finish his sentence, her expression darkened.

“You think you can just waltz in here and expect a free meal?” she snapped, her voice laced with venom. “We’re not a charity!”

Archie’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment, his heart pounding in his chest as the attendant raised her voice intentionally. He leaned in closer, intending to calm the lady, but her voice only grew louder.

Before he could muster a response, a familiar voice chimed in from behind. “Hey, sorry about the hold-up. Let me get this one.” Daniel appeared by his side and slid a card across the counter. “Put it on my tab.”

The attendant hesitated for a moment, her face still flushed with anger then with a begrudging nod, she processed the transaction. Her scowl deepened as she handed Archie his meal. 

“Enjoy your meal” The words scraped against her tongue.

Archie muttered a small thank you before they returned to their table.

“What took you guys so long?” Max chimed in, the attention shifted to Daniel and Archie as soon as they settled on the table.

“Just the usual, Samantha causing a fit for no reason” Daniel responded in between a mouthful of a beef burger.

Archie seized the opportunity to change the subject, eager to divert attention away from him. “So, what was everyone talking about?”

Before anyone could respond, another of Archie’s friends blurted out with excitement. Jake’s eyes lit up as he leaned in closer. “Oh man, you won’t believe what went down at Sierra’s party last night...” but Max drove his elbows to his side before he could continue.

Archie’s heart sank as he struggled to process Max’s words. “Sierra had a party?” he asked, trying to mask his hurt with casual indifference.

“Wait, you actually didn’t know about it?” Max said, confusion evident in his tone. He had only assumed that Archie couldn’t attend the party because of his packed schedule.

Archie’s stomach twisted into knots as he scrambled for an explanation. “Yeah, I told her I had a shift. She probably didn’t want to bother me,” he replied, forcing a nonchalant shrug.

His friends exchanged uneasy glances. Instantly, Max sliced through the tension “That reminds me, I’ve got Harris’ class right after this. Can’t miss out on his thrilling lectures.” He did an exaggerated eye roll before jumping to his feet.

Jake seized upon Max’s sarcastic comment, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Oh yeah, Professor Harris, the king of monotone. I’d rather listen to paint dry.”

The group erupted into laughter as the conversation flowed. Archie chuckled half-heartedly, idly picking on his food.

A sense of paranoia crept over him. Phones beeped incessantly, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that people were glaring at him, whispering, and giggling.

Max, always quick with a joke, remarked, “Must be our charming presence causing a stir.”

Before anyone could respond, a menacing figure from the football team sauntered over to Archie with a sneer on his lips. “Hey, look who it is, Mr. Free ride. You know, Samantha told me that you almost begged to wash the dishes just to eat at our table today.” 

The taunting words echoed down the hallway, eliciting laughter from the onlookers, their amused gazes fixed on Archie.

“Here” Ryan pulled a bundle of cash from his pocket and threw it at his feet. “Just so you wouldn’t have to wash any more plates.”  

Jake quickly stepped in between them, shoving Ryan back with a firm push on his shoulders. “Hey, back off,” he asserted, his voice tense with authority. “What’s your problem, man?”

“Chill dude, I was only trying to help. No hard feelings” Ryan raised his hands in the air. “You know, being the only scholarship student at Williams. It must be really tough on him..”

Archie’s heart raced as Jake turned to him, confusion etched on his face. “What’s he talking about, Archie? What Scholarship?”

Archie clenched his fists, his jaw tight with frustration. “Nothing, Jake. Just ignore him.”

But the unsettling atmosphere only intensified as Daniel’s phone beeped, followed by another, and another. Archie’s patience wore thin as he demanded an explanation. “What’s that?”

Daniel’s eyes darted around nervously. “Nothing” 

At lightning speed, he attempted to put the phone away but Archie was quick to intervene. Seizing the device from his grasp before he could pocket it.

On the screen, a damning video played, showcasing Tommy, the school’s golden boy, cozying up to Sierra at a party. In the dimly lit room, Sierra’s laughter echoed as she playfully flirted with Tommy, a bottle of beer was tucked in between her palms.

Tommy’s mocking tone cut through the air, “I don’t think your boyfriend would be too happy to see you with me.”

Sierra leaned into Tommy, her laughter ringing out. “Ew, Archie? Of course not, he’s probably too busy working his three jobs to even notice.” She shrugged then wrapped her arms around his neck. “Besides, it’s not like his little scholarship can cover everything.”

The sting of betrayal cut deep as Archie watched the video, his grip tightened around the phone. “I need to find Sierra”

“What?” Daniel stood in his path to speak sense to him. “You know this is what Tommy wants, right? Maybe you should wait till all of this cools off”

But his friend’s attempts to calm him fell on deaf ears. Pushing through the crowd, Archie stormed out of the building.

As soon as he got outside, a camera was pointed to his face. Its intrusive presence only fuelled his anger. 

The cameraman, sensing his frustration, stepped away, revealing Tommy seated on top of his red convertible with Sierra by his side.

Tommy’s steely gaze was fixed on Archie’s, a silent challenge passing between them. With a smirk, he leaned in and locked lips with Sierra.

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