At 9:30 A.M.

A young man was sitting on the footpath, with a couple of bags on the side, his countenance growing duller than the old donkey statue behind him. By this hour, most people would have had their breakfast and would be busy with their daily work, but he had nothing to do right now. He didn’t even have the money to buy breakfast.

And he never begged anyone for money, either.

All he had was his degree certificates, and they felt both priceless and worthless at the same time. After all, he couldn’t eat them right now, but he might just be able to get a decent job with them if he kept trying. Still and all, he was thinking about his parents and about getting back home, though he didn’t have the money for the flight ticket at the moment.

He put his cap before him, upside down, and waited. He never asked any passerby with his mouth for money. He hoped someone would toss a coin or two, and he would get to eat for the day, so the rumbling in his stomach would stop and the weight of
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