Louis found it difficult to keep watching Rebecca cover more than five miles on foot. Even his hardened vampire heart stung a little when Rebecca stopped at a junction and couldn’t decide which direction she should take.

“What’s she thinking about?” he could only wonder.

Rebecca, however, was just trying to guess what road would take her closer to Benjamin so she could keep going in that direction because she had no intention of returning to the villa.

As she was thinking, she remembered a short conversation with Benjamin. When they were traveling in the car, he asked her to let him drive her car. She refused. He then told her, “What are you afraid of? You think I’m going to take you south?” He said those words because the sterling villa was on the northern side of the city compared to Rye’s Pizzas and where Rebecca worked. So moving south would be the same as moving away from the Sterling villa. Was this Benjamin’s way of telling her his home was in the south?

Thinking back on it, sh
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