Selena came riding a beach camel and poured foul water on the flames of love burning between the young couple with her vengeful words.

They could have ignored her and kissed. They were both indeed desperate, but they didn’t want their first most intimate moment when they were both sane and sober to be spoiled with Selena’s words playing in the background.

Afterward, Selena made sure to stick pretty close to Rebecca, so close it even bothered her daughter.

“I wanted to wear a bikini and spend some time under the evening sun, but your worthless husband spoiled everything,” Selena didn’t look like she would stop badmouthing Benjamin anytime soon. “This is the worst beach trip I’ve ever had. Period.”

“Bikini?” Benjamin’s expression turned unpleasant. “Why don’t people dress their age?”

“Shut up, Trashmin!” Selena barked. “There are still millions of men who would die to see me in a bikini.”

Benjamin felt like vomiting, further enraging her. “Millions of morons, you mean. Look at Rebecca,
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