Scavenger Cultivator
Scavenger Cultivator
Author: YAYIN
Chapter 1

In the east of Hayami Continent, under a dark sky, Lightning Arrow boomed and red lightning flashed. Blood-colored rain fell on a ruined city.

Among the wreckage, a cold Saibot watched a vulture. He quickly took it down and moved on, not bothered by the eerie scene. 

He passed broken shops and corpses, his destination - a medical store. The moment he knocked on the door, he passed out. 

A few hours later... 

"Ack, where am I?" Saibot looked around. 

As if on cue, an old man entered the room. "Good, you're awake."

It was at this moment that his memories resurfaced causing him to experience a severe migraine. Saibot winced in pain as he grabbed his head. 

Flashes of the incident from 3 days ago resurfaced... "I remember now." He uttered wearing a grim expression. The volcano erupted, followed by an earthquake and a series of tornados...

"I hid in a cave and watched as the sky split apart followed by a pair of gigantic purple eyes appeared on the sky. The next thing that happened was brutal..."

"That's the God's eye. It's said that god will open his eyes every couple of years and send Ahsura Demons to attack and devour us humans." The doctor began to explain how the world functions... 

"As you already know, this planet is called Earth."

Saibot sounding annoyed glared at the man, "Yes I know that already." 

"The calamities brought by the gods weren’t just these. The fragmented faces have been oppressing humanity for so long now."

Every few years, a few decades, or even a few centuries, the fragmented face would open its eyes once for several breaths.

Every time it opened its eyes, the area it was staring at would instantly be tainted heavily by its aura.

After that, all lives in that area would perish, and it would become an eternal forbidden zone.

For the past few centuries, the number of forbidden zones in this world has been increasing, and the places where the living could stay have become increasingly fewer.

Just 3 days ago, the god once again opened its eyes, and the location the fragmented face was staring at was none other than the area where Saibot was staying.

In this area, all species and over ten human cities—regardless of their locations, including the slums inside or outside the cities—were instantly tainted heavily and became forbidden zones that prevented lives from existing.

Under the terrifying taint, all lives directly dissolved into blood. Some of them mutated and became mutated beasts with no intellect. 

Meanwhile, the others turned into greenish-black corpses whose souls had thoroughly dispersed.

Only very few humans and beasts managed to survive due to luck.

"You're one lucky lad, my name is Yandu, you can stay here as much as you want until you are fully healed. 

A few days later... 

" Take care of yourself now. "

Saibot bowed his head, "Thank you for your hospitality Mr. Yandu, I wish you good health."

With that, Saibot decided to travel the lands and cultivate his skills. 

Now, he was meditating in the mountains... 

The spirit energy in the surroundings flowed over and slowly entered his body, coursing through it. He also felt waves of bone-chilling coldness coursing through his body. 

Everywhere the cold feeling flowed, it felt like that body part was submerged in ice water.

Saibot was afraid of the chill. However, he endured it and didn’t give up, continuing to persevere.

After a long time, when he finally ended this cultivation session after meeting the requirements on the bamboo slip, his body would be drenched in cold sweat.

And despite having eaten not long ago, the sensation of hunger appeared once more in his stomach.

His journey leads him to a cave where he finds a peculiar purple crystal... 

"This crystal is emitting the same energy as the Purple lighting that struck me. 

The crystal, rectangular and no larger than his finger, contained tiny particles that emitted the purple light.

"Is it for healing wounds?" Saibot pondered, examining the nearly healed gash on his chest after exposing it by unbuttoning his shirt.

The wound showed remarkable progress, now nearly fully healed, with even the scar at its edge fading away.

Thinking about how he wasn't as tired anymore after using the crystal, Saibot figured out that its main job was to help him feel better.

"I wonder if it has other effects," he murmured, contemplating the possibilities.

As he circulated his energy according to the Tempest Mountain Art, the spirit energy flowing into his body suddenly filtered out a large amount of anomalous substances.

After that, the cleansed spirit energy that remained coursed through his entire body through his energy channels, and this caused Saibot’s body to emit popping noises at this moment.

It was as though some previously congested areas in his body were now instantly opened. 

His blood and flesh were tempered and nourished at this moment.

Although the Tempest Mountain Art was known as a cultivation art, it didn’t cultivate laws, rather, it was a type of body-refining method.

There were a total of ten levels that matched the ten levels of the Qi Condensation Realm.

"Every level a cultivator attained would grant them an additional tiger’s worth of strength." Five tigers made up one xiao and two 

The introduction continued to say that Xiao could move mountains, while Kui could shift seas. This was why the cultivation art was known as the Tempest Mountain Art.

At this moment, the purple crystal that was buried in his chest was like a vortex that continuously absorbed spirit energy, and it flowed toward the crystal with absurd ease.

As a result, Saibot’s cultivation speed greatly increased. Once impurities flowed out, Saibot’s body became more ‘crystalline’ than before. Even his dirt-covered face looked more exquisite now.

The popping sounds and the spirit energy flowing in gradually ceased after some time. After that, Saibot opened his eyes.

"I feel so light." 

A hint of purple light flashed past his eyes.

After he recovered, Saibot’s mind turned sluggish for a moment.

Right now, the dark cave looked somewhat clearer in his eyes. He then hurriedly lowered his head to survey his body, and a look of disbelief gradually appeared on his face.

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