Cosmic Curriculum

The vastness of the multiversal academy stretched out before Jaden and his team, its architecture defying conventional physics and geometry. Halls twisted into impossible shapes, classrooms existed in multiple dimensions simultaneously, and the very fabric of reality seemed to pulse with knowledge.

Zoe whistled low, her eyes wide with awe. "When you said 'cosmic guardian school,' I didn't think you meant it literally."

Jaden nodded, a wry smile tugging at his lips. "Neither did I. But I guess the Cosmic Conclave takes education seriously."

Their guide, a being of pure energy that had introduced itself as Mentor, flickered with amusement. Its voice resonated directly in their minds, bypassing the need for sound. "The nature of existence is complex. To guardians such as yourselves, a proper education is essential."

Marcus was already engrossed in the swirling data streams that flowed through the air, his enhanced intellect racing to process the information. "This is incredible. The shee
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