
The city skyline loomed before them, a jarring mix of familiar skyscrapers and impossible new structures that seemed to defy gravity. Jaden pressed his face against the van's window, his eyes wide as he took in the changed landscape.

"My God," Sarah whispered beside him. "It's really happening."

Reeves navigated the van through streets clogged with abandoned cars and debris. Civilians hurried along the sidewalks, their faces masks of fear and confusion. Overhead, swirling auroras painted the sky in otherworldly hues, a constant reminder that the world had fundamentally changed.

"There," Reeves said, pointing to a nondescript alley. "We'll ditch the van here and proceed on foot. Less conspicuous that way."

As they climbed out, the sounds and smells of the city hit Jaden like a physical force. After months in the sterile facility, the sensory overload was almost overwhelming. He closed his eyes, centering himself, and felt the shadows respond to his heightened emotions, coiling around h
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