If It Comes To Change

The world had changed in three days. Or maybe Jaden had changed, and the world just looked different through his new eyes. Either way, as he stood in the bustling control room of the containment facility, surrounded by blinking monitors and anxious faces, he felt like a stranger in his own skin.

General Hawthorne's voice cut through the chaos, sharp and demanding. "I want a full debriefing. Now. What the hell happened to you three?"

Jaden exchanged glances with Zoe and Marcus. How could they possibly explain? The vastness of the cosmos, the weight of knowledge now filling their minds, the responsibility that came with their newfound power – it all seemed to defy the limits of human language.

"We were... educated," Marcus began, his eyes unfocused as if seeing beyond the room. Numbers and equations flickered in the air around him, visible only to the three returnees. "The multiverse opened up to us. We saw-"

"Spare me the metaphysics, doctor," Hawthorne snapped. "I need practical infor
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