
The air in Central Park shimmered with an otherworldly light, reality itself seeming to bend around the newly formed rift. Jaden stood at its edge, his form flickering between states of existence as he reached out with his enhanced senses. Zoe and Marcus flanked him, their own powers humming in response to the strange energies permeating the area.

"What do you see?" Zoe asked, her voice hushed. The usual bustle of New York felt muted here, as if the park had been encased in a bubble of altered time and space.

Jaden's eyes, swirling with cosmic awareness, focused on the rift. "It's... not like the others," he said, his voice carrying an echo of other realities. "This isn't a tear, or even a window. It's more like... a mirror."

Marcus stepped forward, holographic displays springing to life around him as he took readings. "The energy signature is unlike anything we've encountered," he reported, excitement bleeding through his professional tone. "It's not just reflecting our reality, it's
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