New Horizons

The facility's main conference room buzzed with a nervous energy as world leaders and their representatives gathered on the holographic displays. Jaden stood at the center, his form flickering slightly as he maintained connections across multiple realities simultaneously.

"Thank you all for agreeing to this meeting," he began, his voice carrying an otherworldly resonance. "I understand the events of the past few days have been... disruptive."

A cacophony of voices erupted, each leader clamoring to be heard. Accusations of reckless endangerment mixed with demands for explanations and control.

Jaden raised a hand, shadows coiling around him. The room fell silent. "I know you're afraid," he continued. "The world has changed in ways we're all struggling to comprehend. But I'm here to tell you that this change, while challenging, presents us with unprecedented opportunities."

He gestured, and the air above the conference table shimmered. A miniature representation of the multiverse appeare
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