
The sky over Tokyo rippled like a mirage, reality bending under the strain of the massive rift. Jaden hovered at its edge, shadows swirling around him in a protective cocoon. The city below was a patchwork of conflicting realities - ancient temples stood beside futuristic skyscrapers, while creatures from myth and legend roamed streets lined with quantum computers.

Jaden's enhanced senses stretched out, feeling the pulse of the rift. It wasn't just a tear in reality anymore; it had become a nexus, a meeting point of infinite possibilities. And something was coming through.

"Zoe, Marcus," he spoke into his comm, his voice tight with tension. "What's your status?"

Zoe's reply came first, breathless and strained. "New York is... it's chaos, Jaden. The rift is spawning smaller tears all over the city. I'm barely keeping up."

"London's not much better," Marcus chimed in. His usual excitement was replaced by grim determination. "The temporal distortions are getting worse. I've seen three di
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