Veiled Absence

Alex slowly opened his eyes, his eyelids fluttering against the intrusion of sunrays streaming through the window. Squinting, he attempted to adjust to the brightness of the room, blinking several times to clear his vision.

With a languid yawn, he stretched his arms overhead, feeling the pleasant sensation of his muscles awakening. As he sat up in bed, his bare feet sank into the plushness of the rug beneath them, providing a comforting contrast to the cool floor.

Casting a glance to the side, he noticed the absence of Jaden beside him. Curiosity piqued, he rose to his feet, the gentle caress of sunlight illuminating his sculpted physique as he stood. Rays of light danced upon his glistening skin.

Engaging his muscles, he embarked on a series of stretches, relishing in the satisfying pops and cracks that accompanied the awakening of his body. His neck rotated in smooth circles, releasing any lingering tension, while his torso twisted with controlled fluidity.

Intent on discovering Jad
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