A Great Deal

“It’s a great deal, no doubt! I’ll take however much of the stock you have, Mr. Dylan!” Micheal beamed. It was great to be able to purchase the drug at a fifth of the original price.

Micheal was not one to let such a good offer pass him by. As for the quality of the products, he couldn’t care less about that. All he cared about was that he’d make money from them.

Henry, who was hearing all they were discussing, walked up to Dylan and slapped him.

“You! How dare you hit me?” Mr. Dylan held his face, which still burned from the smack. A mix of anger and shock was evident on his face.

With the Philips behind him, people fought to curry favor with him everywhere he went. When has anyone ever had the ball to hit him?

“So what if I smacked you? As an employee, you’re supposed to uphold the standards of the company. but look at what you’re doing! You steal from the company and mix substandard products with quality products. I think you deserve every bit of that smack!” As Henry spoke, he
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