Naruth said to her mother knowing fully that it was a lie she was just told by the woman who brought this girl into this world.
“Naruth please do not start this with me, I will not argue with my daughter at your age about this adult matter.”
“Why not mom, I am without a doubt a child who couldn’t have such a conversation.”
“I said this talk is not going to happen, do you hear me?”
The queen tells the little girl with her tone to rise high a bit yet not much to be yelled at. Naruth and her mother go into a staring contest until she is the one to lose, running away with tears coming out of her eyes.
She did not wish to see her daughter fall into such a state, but it was done and will take time before the two could speak with each other again.
“I hope that you will be able to understand my little one.”
《Utebarr and Adraah home》
Returning home with his son Ethons who hasn’t awakened and when back Utebarr had to explain the cruel fate that their son has come to be a burden that could not be removed.
Adraah listened to this along with the other children there as well. They found it hard to believe yet with the Mark on the young boy's chest it was clear to be true.
Nothing else to be done, only to place Ethons on his bed to rest and to wait until it was time for Utebarr to leave for the meeting about his son.
Right now all he can do for the time being is to sit near the bedside where the boy sleeps.
“Utebarr.” a single word and the feel of a hand placed upon this man's shoulder draw his attention away from Ethons.
Looking back to see his loving wife Adraah staring at him with concern and yet compassion.
“Adraah are you here as well to look upon the peacefully sleeping face our son is making.”
“You shouldn’t put yourself through this setting here to watch over our boy, I think it best to get some rest or do something to keep your mind busy until it's time.”
“I know, but I would rather be here with my love to enjoy these last moments with our boy.”
“Please don’t say that, I don't want to think of….”
Adraah stopped herself from saying anything further because it was a thing she feared the most.
“I know what you are afraid of for the boy as I do too Adraah, but they're nothing we can do against the decision made in the meeting.”
“Utebarr must it be that we could not choose a different way for the boy. Surely if possible we can find a way to place our son safely away from here.”
Utebarr gets up from the chair facing his wife after hearing what she just said.
“What are you talking about, are you suggesting that we disobey our queen?”
“I am talking about saving our son Utebarr. You know as well as I do that what curse he has is one that seals the boy for death because there is no chance for him to stay alive.”
“Don’t you think, I know that my love it pains me greatly that I would want to do anything to keep that from happening. Yet what right do I have picking to save my son over the loyalty to our queen that was sworn upon it not right Adraah.”
“So it is decided that we are to watch as Ethons is put to death after the meeting. Such a cruel thing for a mother having to know and accept the end of a son she brought into this world.”
Utebarr comes to see his wife's eyes start to release tears that will come down her face. He brings her into his chest so she may go on to cry into him at this moment.
“Don’t give up Adraah we mustn't not as I do have hope the boy will be fine.”
《Meeting at wood elf Queen throne》
It was time the elf queen had summoned other wood elves part of the village to attend the important meeting on what is to be done with Ethons son of Utebarr now carrying a soul of a dragon inside his body this night.
She explains the parts that were witnessed at this place they are all in now the events that lead to how it came to happen was still unknown. Utebarr was there staying quietly at the time thinking about what he could say that may be of help to his son.
“As you all know of the situation now, I seek to hear your thoughts on the matter where it must be decided what is to be done with Ethons now bearing that of a dragon soul.”
“My queen out of nowhere it is pointless to have this meeting. We all know what must be done with the boy.”
One of the elves there spoke of their opinion seeing this being a waste of time as the others share the same thought.
“I know that, but I am giving the boy a chance here that I think it fair to at least do that then instead of moving on with an answer already without discussion.”
“That is kind of you my queen, but there is no way of having a serious discussion on this. A curse Dragonborn is already known to have an uncontrollable nature. We have no clue what would happen when the soul is in a child. Luckily he is asleep and there is time that may not be for long if the boy is to awaken.”
Others voice their opinion and the rest agree to make noise among each other.
“The history of the curse Dragonborn is well known and learned since their chaotic period of the things they have done, but they were those who walked that path having a desire for that power. Ethons is young, him turning out like them wouldn’t happen right away.”
The queen being somewhat the only one defending Ethons looks to his father as the man looks to be still struggling on what to say where everyone stays with their opinions being as it seems not to change from whatever is said.
“It looks like I have come just in time before the end.”
A voice no one there ever heard of speaks and all turned their attention to a hooded finger-walking slowly forward.
“I would like to know who you are, strangers being here uninvited.”
The queen said while some of her people started to be on guard with their weapons ready to be used on this unwelcome guest.
“Queen of the wood elves here, I have come not as a threat, but as someone who could be of a big help to your problematic situation that is being dealt with tonight.”
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Second Chance as an Elf Ch 8: The Voting End
A stranger had made their way into the meeting that was going on between the queen and her people around the throne outside of the forest they live in.“Do tell me how you can help with what we are discussing without the knowledge of what it is about.”“I don’t need to be informed about it, given that I can sense when it happens I can feel it even more so since being here.”“I think it best now to explain who you are at this moment.”“Ah, you are correct on that, I should introduce myself to all of you.”The stranger grabbed the hood covering his face and pulled it down to show them his silky, wavy, royal purple hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a tangled bush.His eyes were droopy red and the type of body he had was a graceful build along with light-colored skin.“The names Collin Wyatt and I are what is known to be in this world a Dragonling, a being with the mix of a human and a dragon.”The reaction this man expected to see among the wood elves' faces was shock, but inst
Second Chance as an Elf Ch 9: Will Power to do it
Adraah watches as her loving husband made way to their son Ethons as the small boy still did not understand what is going on watching the way these two are acting and the feeling in the air that was going around in this room.“Mom, dad please tell me what is going on.”“Run! Ethons get out of here as fast as you can.”Adraah tells him as she throws herself at Utebarr grabbing hold of him tightly in place to prevent him from moving further toward the boy.“What are you doing stop it and let me go Adraah it has to be done.”“I won’t let you, Ethons please get away from here.”Ethons listens this time, getting out of the bed with his new clothes and running past both parents.“Ethons! No stay, don't go.”His father says to his son, but it was too late as he pushed the door open in a hurry and ignored his siblings as they tried to talk to him, but Ethons kept going, leaving his home.“Adraah that is enough.” Utebarr was finally able to get his wife off him, pushing her to the bed.“No! Ut
Second Chance as an Elf Ch 10: Live to the fullest
Collin took action against this wood elf in front of him using his head to smash against that guy's face causing him to fall back to the ground."How dare you, I will make you pay for that."The other wood elf male drew out his sword and charged at Collin who was welcoming the attack coming.Quickly right as this male wood elf was at a close distance as the sword in his hand thrust at him.Collin took one step to the side grabbing that same arm holding the sword and using forces to throw this guy against a tree.Once the male wood elf's back hits the tree there wasn't time to react when an elbow came crashing into the face.After that one was knocked out Collin aimed back at the other who was working hard to get back thanks to that headbutt.The same happened to that guy only receiving a strong kick to the face taking him out as well."You shouldn't have done that, surely they will report this to the queen and you will be made an enemy to us for now on.""If I didn't then I would have
Second Chance as an Elf Ch 11: Together, we take it out
Ethons has conjured up a fire upon his free hand ready to be used and burned whatever it touches.The skeleton archers fire their arrows at him and they miss their target given it was going to stay in place to take it.Rolling to the side for a second then focusing to cast the fire sending to burn these undead bones to ash as they crumble to the ground."Well, I am getting better and better at controlling the flames."Ethons kept on with the fight with the skeletons and Collin did the same also using fire as well to burn down a few of these guys.The fight seems to be close to their victory as there not many of the undead skeletons remained around much longer as their number has decreased greatly.Yet something appears on the fighting battlefield and it swings at Ethons sending him flying past Collin who was surprised to see him rolling around for a bit until stopping.The man looked back to see what could have done that and he couldn't believe his own eyes.There is an undead skeleto
Second Chance as an Elf Ch 12: It was time
Ethons was curious about the skeletons they had just battled against."The answer to that question is pretty simple to how they came back on their own. They are restless and haven't not the prepared place to be buried and so rise like that of a vengeful spirit coming back to wreak havoc on the living.""Could this happen often, Collin?""Sometimes here and there at certain places in this world. Yet problems like this are always taken care of.""By who." Ethons and Collin walk with each forward since there wasn't a point to hang around broken and beaten undead skeletons."Well, adventures of course they take on simple quests like this for money.""Adventures huh Collin why didn't you become one. I bet you would have made quite the money with your skills.""It's not a thing for me. I am someone who likes to just travel around the world Ethons."Ethons does wonder about the adventurer job should it be something he could take up.There is the problem of him being a cursed Dragonborn which
Second Chance as an Elf Ch 13: This was necessary
Trapped inside the tavern because of the two dragon hunters that entered it and began to celebrate their kill of a dragon.Collin and Ethons have to play along until there is an opening to take."How long should we stay here until those 2 guys leave or are they distracted to notice us leaving the place?""We just stay as we are for a time till it best to"Alright, hopefully, those guys are too busy to notice us over here."Right at that moment the same tavern maid comes back placing their food along with another cup of drinks."Here's your food you two, oh I see you haven’t finished with your drinks would the both of you like me to take these back then.""No it's fine you can leave them.""Of course who would pass up free drinks when someone else is paying for it."The tavern maid takes a glance at the dragon hunters and then back at Ethons."You know those dragon hunter guys aren't too bad looking, but you still beat them by looks.""Well thank you for those kind words and I must say
Second Chance as an Elf Ch 14: After 10 years the day comes
"I do not understand why you must put yourself in doing this leaving home to find him.""Because it was the right thing to do, mother, what happened to him wasn't his fault.""No one has ever said that, but there was no risk of allowing that young boy to stay. The nature of a cursed dragon is unstable that no one could foresee when that madness would be unleashed.""It doesn't matter what you say now, mother. I am not going to stop what I have been planning these past 10 years."Location of the wood elf queen throne where only two wood elves are there.One is the queen sitting on the throne and the other is Naruth, daughter of the queen.The two have entered into a conversation that has been discussed over time in the ten years gone by.This comes to happen again one more time only because Naruth is leaving on this day.On a day like this, her mother is trying to talk the young girl into not leaving to find Ethons.The queen holds no ill feelings for that elf boy and would love nothin
Second Chance as an Elf Ch 15: Death would have been best
Naruth takes a few steps forward getting a little closer as it was asked by Adraah this wood elf woman standing up on the bed she was in.They haven’t had many chances in seeing each other through the passing years, meaning because of the things Adraah had to suffer with the loss of her son and husband. “So tell me Naruth what brings you to see me, not that I am not happy about this meeting.”“I came to tell you that I will be leaving home.”“Oh, why is that dear.”“It to find Ethons and bring him back home.”Hearing her boy's name causes a little pain to this wood elf woman's heart along with almost shedding a tear.“I see and you are completely set on doing this going against your mother who no doubt wasn’t pleased with the idea.”“I am as if it wasn't right to what happened to Ethons and that of your….”Naruth stops herself before saying another word that could cause further unnecessary pain. “It's fine my husband chose at the time to accept the outcome of not doing what our quee
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Ch 65: Dragon, not really a Dragon
Bernard plays off to being hurt by mayor Greg's words, but he and even the assistant Catalina buy it not for a one-second look at him as if he was a foolish jester trying to play off a bad joke told at the time.“Alright, fine guess acting is also something I can not do well at either, but anyway Greg let's not talk about it here just let it go and trust me.”“Bernard now isn’t the right or even a good time to start playing games here with me. A serious matter we are talking about and I don’t like to be kept in the dark on what you're trying to hide from me.” Gerg says as he gets a mean look on his face telling that he is serious. “It seems there is no point in continuing your bad acting, sir. I think to be best we are discussing this full truth and no games or lies are understood.” Catalina voices her as well.This shows that Bernard was out to match as there were two against one at the time which he had no interest in fighting against. “ Fine, then what do you want to know, Greg.”
Ch 64: The mayor of Lindow
As the demi-human Neol was about to snake his way away from the three after all that happened. He sees hanging around them could be not good for him given what this person does for a living.“You best keep what you say to yourself to understand.” The dwarf Duka said to him as she could tell of his movements away from them.“But of course, it is the least thing for me to start trouble for too.” Neol plays it off showing her a smile.*scoff* Duka didn’t believe it, but won’t push any further being that there is something far more important to deal with someone like him.“Alright, then you all take care,” Neol says as his steps go faster and it is soon seen him getting completely away from them.Now just Ethons, Corina, and Duka who each won’t or can’t say a word to each other. After seconds the dwarf was the one to start moving forward and at the same time spoke to the other two. “Let go we got a place to be that will do for us to have this talk at.”****************《Eiru tavern》The d
Ch 63: Hiding the truth
Corina close to death opened her eyes to see the mouth of the dragon open wide pausing right there before closing onto the girl's body. She took deep breaths in her state of great relief to be alive, taking the chance at stepping back a few steps to get away from the mouth, being that the creature could still close it at any moment.Then the dragon resumed moving again pulling back the head as it began to look upward to the sky where at that moment a roar shook the earth and attacked the ear of those in the area.They come to witness something strange happening to the dragon as its whole body went up in flames and they can feel the heat blazing at them that any closer anyone could get burned by the touch. When the flames blew away and whatever was left to be Ethons the elf lay on the ground in the very same spot as the dragon. He took not long in awakening, opening his eyes slowly and getting up at the same time.“Look like we did it to bring it back under control.”Ethons says to
Ch 62: The elf and Dragon meet again
Ethons says judging from his tone he wasn’t in a happy mood about finally hearing the dragon's voice again more so to see with his two eyes again as well when the creature comes down leading on the same rock he is on.Powerful wind and dust blew against the elf who had to endure it for about seconds till it came to be over.“You shouldn't even be here Ethons we are not supposed to be meeting like this as I never wanted it to happen.” “Well that hurts to hear that from you and here I am only wanting to talk with you again after all these 10 Mordos. There is much to discuss that needs to be answered.”“You must understand this shouldn’t have ever happened, our souls must have never come to be one together.” Ethons didn’t like to hear this from the dragon. It hurts that he feels regret about saving his life by doing that ritual to do so. “Look what is done, we can't do anything about it, sorry that you feel that way about it, but let's just move on from it.”“You don’t get it, the b
Ch 61: Realm of the two souls
It was impressive for the guild master to feel such pain at this level again after such a long time. In a sense, Bernard was starting to enjoy the sensation of making him alive again in the mindset of a battle. "I must thank you for bringing back such a feeling to me, I have been out of the game of fighting with such a dangerous opponent again. I honestly can’t remember the last one, I face how sad that is to be.” Bernard uses the right hand placing it over the wound where the light shines from the palm of that hand showing the wound beginning to heal within short seconds. The same can be said for the dragon given that a creature such as this has the high value of healing of its own. This makes Dragons difficult to slay, more so to wound one greatly as that can not be done without a legendary weapon or a very powerful spell that matters. “There that has been taken care of now guess we can resume back into the fight don’t you agree.” A roar was given as the answer for him to hear
Ch 60: High resistance to Magic
Bernard began to cast a spell to use against the dragon in front of him, one that he plans not to pick to do the most harmful damage on this creature as it surely will not hold back either.First, he plans to cast a spell that will hold the enemy in place to buy time for him and then enhance himself can’t just fight on this way for long going to need buffs on this fight.“Ethereal Ice Chain” Ice shot out of Bernard had soon formed into chains that grabbed and warped around the large body of the dragon.Sadly doing this will not take effect for long against a dragon being a creature that has a high-level resistance to magic and this will come to a short end. “Ogres' Courage.” That is what the guild master cast as the feeling of courage like an Ogre feeling brave like never before starting to care not of who is being faced at this moment.Now at the time, the ice chains break by the forces of the dragon proving how strong these creatures are among those that can resist magic.The guild
Ch 59: A familiar name with a rumor behind it
Neol the were-cat demi-human voices his worry and concern after getting the feeling of that earthquake shaking violently."I don't know about you two, But I think it a stupid idea to keep going in this direction. I mean whatever it over there should be the very thing to stand away from.""Who the hell are ya again."Duka said while getting back onto her two feet turning around to face Neol."You gotta be joking, you ask that now after leaving that dungeon and running for this long.""Just tell me ya name don't need to hear you bitching at me.""It's Neol if you really must know.""Neol you say you feel like, I have heard of that name before and that there was a rumor about something someone like yourself has done."When Duka said that it began to worry the demi-human Neol as he didn't like"Are you two alright not hurt are you.""Relax Corina, no need to worry if no one has come to be harmed just lose our footing."Neol let out a sigh of relief witnessing the dwarf girl's attention mo
Ch 58: Dragonquaker
The guild master put out a hand to the side open as something quickly appeared, a weapon to be that of a lance which got grabbed right away into that same hand. “Alright old friend, it seems you are going to be used again. Dragonquaker has been a time since you had a great fight and kill at that.” Those adventurers there were amazed at the Lace the guild master had summoned to his side. There have been stories that he had collated powerful legendary weapons from the past at the time the guild master was once an adventurer like them.None at the guild ever had the chance to witness one of those legendary ever since Bernard became guild master. There was never a reason to use his legendary weapons again once taking up the job. Today one of those gets to live that feeling of action again after being put away for a long time. “As I said before all of you stay out of this any of you who get in the way will feel my wrath.” His words were serious, being that this is a chance for Bernard
Ch 57: A dragon
The masked stranger wasn't gone and kept a distance that allowed this person to have a good view of the fight that was playing out this far having to consider allowing them to battle it. This would be a lot of data to take in need for the creation plan to be a clone of the thing if made into complete perfection. Watching from the very beginning the group that appears from nowhere engaged in a fight with the elf in his interesting transformation. What makes the fight more amazing is to keep one's eyes removed from it as the elf goes into another transformation, one that becomes that of a dragon something that can’t easily be done unless they are one from the beginning. “I must take in everything, nothing is to be missed at all.” The masked stranger said alone with no other living being to hear standing there silent to see what is to come out in the next act of the fight. This sudden change of dragone being in front of the adventure group's eyes wasn’t something they thou