Marriage Interview

“I’m going to marry the daughter of grandpa’s distant relatives?”

Andrew said after hearing his father’s voice through the phone call.

[Exactly. By doing so, you will still have the connection with me and Vincent. It also includes both Henry and Luke but at least you will still have connections with us!!] His father said cheerfully.

His grandfather told all of the family members to not converse with Andrew in the future and that includes his own father. 

As a father, Alfred knew that it was wrong to look away from the son he loved the most after his wife. So he tried everything he could so that he and his son could be family again. It appears that Vincent also helped him search for the way.

Though, everything is moving a bit too fast for Andrew.

“So…I’m going to marry a complete stranger…is that what you were saying” He said to the point that he understands.

[Technically, yes but that’s not the point–!] His father replied but before he could speak further, Andrew quickly cut him off.

“What do you mean that it’s not the point!? What about her feelings?What about her family?! Will they give their approval??” He protested.

[You do not have to worry about that. Your uncle and I talk with her grandfather, Edward. He already gave his blessings to you. Well, would you look at that? A marriage form with your name is also been prepared and signed by him]

Andrew's mouth was left open.

He can’t believe what his father just said. 

He stood up and then screamed at his father, unable to accept what he had done.

“WHAT!?Forget her feelings, what about my opinion on this!? Why didn’t you talk about this with me earlier!?” This time, he prioritized himself instead of the girl.

[Why you ask? You were always thinking of lazing around and you even forget that you have a phone number. Ah, I forgot. Your phone now is the possession of the Fullen family so you didn’t even have a phone] His father said to him in a rather low yet ridiculing tone.


Andrew could feel the sharpness in his father’s words as he tried to push the phone away from his ears.

Before he could do so, his father spoke again in a bit higher voice.

[And that is also why the government prepared that phone booth by the side of the road. For you to use and call someone!]He said.


Andrew gives up and sits back quietly on the couch.

[Who was it that was too lazy to walk outside and hit a few buttons to dial my number?] His father asked.

“... It’s me…”with everything that his father said, he could only reply in a low voice though he prefers to stay quiet.

[I didn’t hear you] He asked again with a demanding tone.

“It's your ungrateful son… I’m very grateful for your help” He said sullenly. 

[Good…listen…This is for your sake. Just listen to me. Just this once, okay?] This time, his father's voice was rather soft and calming.

Andrew knows that as a father, he wants nothing but the best for his son.

Andrew melepaskan keluhan sebelum berkompromi.

“Fine…”He finally agreed.

[Good boy and ah, one more thing]

Just before Andrew is about to close the call, his father speaks again.

“What is it father?”Andrew asked, finishing the coffee in his cup.

[Since you no longer bear the name of the Fullen family, you need a new surname. Of course I would allow you to used mine but your grandfather will be so mad]

Andrew keeps listening to his father as he delivers the cup to the sink.

[That’s why, you will be using the last name of your mother from now on] He said.

“I see… What is her last name again?”

[it’s Robinson. Don’t worry, leave all the documents to me]

Robinson appears to be the name of his mother, a person he never met in his lifetime and will never will.

He scratched the back of his head before complying.

“So I will be Andrew Robinson from today huh?”

[Yup. So get going already. Pick the nicest clothes you have and go to the restaurant across the bank]

“?...Why should I do that?”

His father's sudden statement made him a bit confused.

[Mhmm? Ah, didn’t I tell you?… The marriage interview is today at 2 so good luck!]


His father closed the call on him.

Andrew silently stood on his leg before sprinting towards his closet.

“That old man!!!”


Andrew sits on the chair fidgety as he waits for them to appear.

He is now inside the Dolle Restaurant just across the bank that his father mentioned.

He was so nervous that the coffee in his cup emptied half way because he kept spilling it while trying to drink.

Who doesn’t get nervous when they are waiting to meet their partner for life?

‘No no no!! Isn’t this too soon?’

Andrew continued to shake his head as he tried to collect himself again and again.

‘eh.. eh? For real? Am I really marrying for real?!”

He panicked and tried to drink again just for him to spill all of his coffee.


He takes two pieces of tissue from the box and wipe the spilled coffee on the table.

That was the worst timing for someone to appear.

“Are you Andrew?”

A man wearing a suit suddenly appeared by his side.

“Huh?! Ah, yeah! My name is Andrew?”

His sudden appearance makes Andrew more nervous than before causing him to unconsciously change his tone.

“? Is that a question?”

The man tilted his head as he kept looking at Andrew strangely.

“No no no! I’m sorry! I’m a bit nervous.”

Andrew quickly denied before fixing his composure.

“N-Nice to meet you…my name is Andrew…Andrew Robinson”

He said bowing his head to the man.

“Nice to meet you too, Andrew. I am an agent that will be responsible for the interview of your marriage with your partner.”

‘Agent? Father didn’t tell me about any agent’ Andrew thought but decided not to think of it too much.

“I-I see…it’s nice to meet you”

Andrew said as he extended his hand. The man takes his hand and shakes.

“likewise. Your partner should arrive anytime soon so why not take care of this mess first?” He said while looking at the mess on the table.

“Ah...true…give me a sec” Andrew let go of his hand and continued what he’s been doing.

The man watches him silently before asking if he needs a hand.

“Much appreciated”

Andrew nodded and the man helped him wipe the spilled coffee from the table.

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