Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Jane walked into the living room to meet up with the crew members who were discussing. She had been thinking of Cassie's strange behaviors and decided to inform the guys about her findings.

"Hey, guys, I need to talk to you about something. I've been noticing some suspicious behavior from Cassie." Jane told them all.

"Really? What kind of behavior?" Salmon asked.

"What do you notice this time around Jane??" Damian asked her.

"You mean Cassie!" Lucas questioned too.

"Well, she's been acting strange and it got me thinking she might be up to something." Jane revealed.

"What do you mean by that?? Cassie doesn't have anything up her sleeve. She's pure and even helped Anna in hard times." George defended who was among them.

"Exactly my point George. Immediately Cassie started helping Anna, her condition became worse. Let's leave that out of it, I have been noticing Cassie lately, she always sneaks out of her room at night, though, I don't know where she usually heads to but I kno
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