Chapter 3

6 months ago

          Dark clouds hovered the store as fat heavy drops of water fall from the pregnant sky. Anna looked out the window. “Oh shit” she mumbled to herself.

 She walked around the store and noticed a weird looking guy wearing black denim trousers, lemon shirt and a black cap fumbling with some items. As she tried to come closer to take a look at his face she felt a buzz in her pocket.

Anna reached into her pockets and saw the caller i.e. A smile crossed her face as she answered the call

“Larryyyyyyy. I was just about calling you” She beamed touching a shelf of drinks

“You’re always about calling me” Larry dryly said

“Oh c’mon, give me a break. I’m coming down to Arizona next week with Jason” she spilled

“You’re coming?” Larry asked surprised

“Yeah…Jason and I” Anna said looking outside to see if the rain has subsided a bit. “I think I’m just gonna buy an umbrella and head home.”

“It’s dark and the clouds are still heavy. Call Jason and have him pick you instead” Larry suggested. “Where are you”

“Um…I’m two blocks away from my work. I’m gonna head home. Luckily I’ll see a taxi” Anna concluded asking the store owner for an umbrella.  

She paid the lady at the desk, collected her receipt and muttered a thank you.

“Stay in Anna” Larry insisted “Why are you so stubborn”

“I’ll call you when I get home Larry” Anna hung up putting her phone inside her pocket.

The rain drops lessoned to a softer pitter platter syncing a musical chime. However, the cold wind refused to reduce and there were no taxis in sight.

 Anna thought it better to follow a short alley to the main road to get a better chance at a taxi. As she walked down the dark alley Anna fished out her air pods and connected it to her phone.

An unexpected chill swept through her. Anna clung tightly to herself rubbing her hands against her arms. She increased the volume and made a left turn diving deeper into the darkness of the alley.

 All of a sudden she felt a hand grab her arm and the next second the second pair covered her mouth and nose with a napkin. Anna tried to scream and push away the force behind her but he was stronger.

“If you make a move I’ll kill you” he rasped between closed teeth dragging her to a more enclosed region. Anna suddenly felt dizzy and was gradually losing consciousness. The toxin in the napkin was getting to her.

Anna wanted to shout. She wanted to scream but her strength failed her. She fell helplessly into his arms and silently prayed that it would be a mere robbery

The man flung her to the side and a silent yelp followed after. She was bruised.

He didn’t care and started to undo her clothes beginning with her shirt. All those teeny bitty buttons got to him and out of anger he ripped the shirt open, buttons flying everywhere. 

Her worst fears. She was too weak to struggle.  

When he noticed that Anna was drifting off he smacked her with the back of his palm. Anna let out a silent shriek. She noticed it was the same guy at the store but she couldn’t see his face because of the mask he wore.

“You can’t sleep; I like when I see satisfaction on my girls” He ripped her trousers with a scissors from God-knows-where. It looked familiar.

As he unzipped his trousers Anna shivered scared of what would happen next.

He lifted her and placed her hands on a table he found nearby yanking of her panties while fondling with the big pomegranates on her chest.

Soon, she felt a hard tool slowly sliding into her. Anna whimpered as he roughly hit her constantly.

He thrust repeatedly making sure he sucked the life out of her. He finally stood up after what seemed like half an hour, helped her grab her torn clothes and flung it to her side

Anna laid in the cold confused, scared and out of her mind. Her first thought was what she did to deserve it. She crawled from under the table looking around for any clothing she could find to cover her nakedness.

Footsteps. It was the guy. He probably felt guilty.        He took out the shawl from a bag in his hand and covered her.

 Anna looked up slowly. His eyes…seemed familiar. He got up quickly and walked away not bothering to turn back once. Soon after he disappeared into the darkness

 It hadn’t been five minutes after he left when she faintly heard footsteps running towards her. It was Jason

“Anna!!!” he screamed as he saw her laying on the floor. As he ran faster towards her his face suddenly went from a panicked expression to a teary one. “Anna?” Jason panicked as he saw her torn clothes and her battered face.

Anna was too weak to answer. She looked at Jason and started crying.

Jason bent down and lifted Anna observing her and what has happened. He pulled her close and shushed her, preventing her from talking. As he held her close his heart bled realizing the gravity of what had happened to her

Jason reached into his phone and called 911. “It’s going to be fine” He rocked her while repeating the words  

As the sirens of police car drew closer Jason pulled Anna closer to himself guarding her like a mother hen.

Three cops approached the couple on the floor while the others scanned the area looking for any clues or additional witnesses.

“Can we take you down to the station” the inconsiderate male cop asked

“Hey hey” Jason barked. “Back off. Can’t you see she’s not in the state to talk?” He cuddled Anna tighter as if to shield her from any attack

“I’m fine Jason. I can answer some questions” Anna whispered.

Her skin was like typing paper that had been through the wash. Her lips parted slowly before she let out a loud sneeze. Her ghost white face and pale looking eyes sent Jason to his knees as he tried to provide more warmth for her.

“Are you sure?” Jason asked staring angrily at the male cop and wondering if it wouldn’t be too stressful

“Yes.” Anna silently insisted. “I just need a blanket. There’s one under the passenger seat in the car”

“I’d prefer if the female asked the questions instead” Jason demanded staring deeply at the male cop before running towards the car he parked a few blocks away

The female cop squatted to provide Anna a sense of safety

“Are you ok miss? It’s ok to cry and let everything out” As she tried to put her hands on Anna, Anna whimpered and moved back.

 The cop got the message and proceeded to ask the questions. “Do you mind if I ask you some questions?” Anna nodded in acknowledgement.

“What’s your name?” She asked


“Don’t worry it’s going to be alright” the cop said in a reassuring tone looking at Anna with a sense of pity and empathy. “Do you remember everything that happened?

Anna nodded and proceeded to tell her everything that happened. She groaned from time to time clutching the bruise on her arm.

“Where did you get this shawl?” The cop asked looking at the only covering Anna had.

“He got this for me” Anna said. The cop looked astonished

“He got it for you?” The cop looked astonished. “That’s a first” the cop said looking at her colleagues who also showed a sigh of amazement.

 “Ok…do you remember what he was wearing?”

“Yes…I do. I saw him earlier at a supermarket two blocks away”

“You saw him at a supermarket?” The cop quizzed making sure she heard right. Anna affirmed, nodding slightly. Her head still felt a bit dizzy “Quick Broody. I’ll need you to check the cctv footage at Rooney’s supermarket” she said to the male officer standing at the far end of the alley. Broody nodded and headed to the supermarket with a fellow cop

“But I couldn’t catch a glimpse of his face. Both at the supermarket and down the alley” Anna explained telling her the outfit that he had on.

“Isn’t that the same description of clothes your boyfriend is wearing?” the cop queried

 “Wait…what?” Anna said shocked.

“Black trousers with a lemon shirt and a black cap” the cop listed while pointing Anna’s attention to Jason clothes.

Anna slowly turned staring at Jason who was already coming back with some clothes.

“Are you sure you’re not mistaking your boyfriend for the rapist? Earlier you said you didn’t call anyone so how did he know you were here?” The cop looked directly at Anna waiting for a response

“That outfit is really common” Anna defended what seemed like an accusation.

“Hey” Jason paused to catch his breath. “I had to run to a store to grab some clothes. Are you ok?” He asked trying to make sure she wasn’t uncomfortable. He looked at her with adoration cleaning her body with wipes

“Do you remember seeing any tattoos on body?” the cop queried. Anna turned around refusing to answer any more questions.

Jason ignored the police and went on to dress Anna. He bought an oversize shirt, a trousers and some socks for warmth. After he was done he gathered the pieces of Anna’s clothes and lit it with fire.

“Can we be on our way now Jason” Anna said signaling to the cop that she would not answer any more questions.

As Jason drove Anna sank deeper into her thoughts. How did he wear the exact outfit? Why did his eyes seem familiar? Why did he cover me?

 The cctv footage was gone and her there were no other source of evidence. The scissors were the same, there were too many coincidences. Anna’s thoughts shifted over time.

Why was the outfit the same? Why were the scissors familiar? How did he know I was there? Why did he rape me? Why did he never suggest that I go to the hospital? Why did he prevent the cops from seeing me? Why did he close the case?

 Questions popped in Anna’s head over and over again but she couldn’t ask him.

 She started to believe it was Jason

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