Chapter eighteen

Wakanda Khalifa, the head of the Turkish merchants was in charge of smuggling humans from the United States to Turkey. Some of those who were shipped to Turkey were used as slaves of harlotry, some were forced into hard labor. They made their victim stay exclusively dependent on them. He had been smuggling humans from Philadelphia for years now and kelvin Brian was one of his Major clients

Nicholas Dobson, who found it very hard to sleep or shut his eyes, drew a chair closer to the window and sat down staring at the window and then to the driveway outside. He had sat down for about an hour when a thought popped into his mind. He picked up the phone and dialed a number. He was calling Wakanda Kalifa. The merchant whom they were going to trade the kidnapped victims to. He had already made calls to those who were with the kidnapped victims there in Philadelphia but neither of their lines were reachable. The only one that rang was later switched off. He called Wakanda to confirm if he
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