Loss of Control

The subway station groaned under the pressure of Emma's power surge. Cracks spiderwebbed across the walls, and the ceiling shuddered ominously. Emma stood in the center, eyes glowing with an otherworldly light, her body trembling as waves of energy radiated from her.

“Emma, you need to stop!” Adrian shouted over the deafening rumble, edging closer. “You’re going to bring this whole place down!”

Emma’s gaze snapped to Adrian, panic and anguish flickering in her eyes. “I can’t control it!” Her voice cracked, filled with desperation. “I don’t know how to stop it!”

Adrian exchanged a worried glance with Zara. “We need to contain her power,” he said, determination hardening his features. “Zara, get the civilians out of here. I'll stay with Emma.”

Zara nodded, her expression resolute. “Be careful.” She turned to the others, barking orders to evacuate the

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