After they won, Jack and his friends took a break to calm down and catch their breath. Their hearts were still racing from the excitement of the fight. Even though they were happy about winning, they felt worried that their journey was not finished and there were more difficult parts ahead.

Jack said that we cannot stay here and his voice broke the silence in the room. "We have to keep going. "

His friends agreed with what he said and looked serious and determined as they got ready to deal with whatever came next. With their weapons ready, they kept going further into the temple, being very alert for any danger.

As they went deeper into the dark, they could smell something rotten and their footsteps sounded sad and loud like a funeral song. Unfamiliar signs decorated the walls, their purpose forgotten over time, and mysterious murmurs appeared to come from the dark areas, their words impossible to understand but full of evil.

"Someone else is here with us," Emily said quietly as they
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