The Fight With Vayne!

Damon stood in the middle of the room, enjoying Freya's warm and gentle embrace at his side while he assessed the situation deeply. The entire room was half destroyed duo the battle, and Rokn's broken body lay on the ground, a massive amount of blood surrounding it. Damon saw his personal weapon, BloodReaper, covered in the blood of Rokn and smiled.

"ARISE!" Damon said, his voice deep. An aura of death descended upon the room as Damon spoke this words, and his eyes glowed purple, a similar coloured aura surrounding his body.

A dark, ghastly aura surrounded Rokn's body as a firm but slender purple shadow hand peered out of the darkness that covered the Palace Hall's floor. More and more of the purple shadow's body parts had pierced through the darkness covered Palace Hall's Floor and before long, Rokn's entire body was present as a newly formed Shadow Soldier in Damon's army.

Rokn knelt down in front of Damon, bowing to his Monarch as a sign of respect. Damon nodded with a smirk and sw
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