"It has been observed that within our beloved Kingdom of Noelle, a problem has arisen concerning the homeless and orphaned multiplying in number... all who are presumed to be homeless and/or orphaned will be immediately taken into custody and sold as Slaves in the next scheduled Slave Auction."
During the passed three hundred fifty years, since Gerardo of Liko was last heard of, the Kingdom of Noelle had thrived and gone through a number of extreme changes; some of which included art, food, morale, literature, currency (so that it was less confusing), and especially law. The country now had become very wealthy with markets in gold, silk, and cotton. The fashion was more colorful and the architecture was more shapely with geometric and floral designs. But after roughly three hundred years, an end was arising to this period and a medieval era was slowly underway.
The towns were now built of wood and adobe, with streets of stone and had increased in size and population. Aqueducts ran through each one, so drought was now rare. And as it is normal for technology to develop in a different order and speed on a different world, it is understandable how plumbing was invented immediately following the aqueduct. Unfortunately, the plumbing lines were only in the process of being built, so there were still wells in every town and in the backyards of the especially wealthy.
The palace of the Kingdom of Noelle was gorgeous, especially in the sunny weather the Noellites had on Malla 35, 836 (April 17). The sunlight reflected off the dome towers and the sea breeze blew through the windows into the king and queen's bedchamber. The queen stirred under her satin bed sheets before she finally opened her violet eyes. It was clear by the look on her tanned face that she was disturbed. She glanced over at her husband who was still asleep and she decided not to wake him. Instead, she carefully got out of bed and wrapped herself in a white, silk robe. Then she sat at her silver vanity and brushed her bright pink locks as she watched herself in the mirror. If only she could get that disturbing dream out of her mind.
"Up so early, Ariana?" asked the king.
Queen Ariana jumped at the sudden sound of her husband's voice. "You startled me, Darren," she said with a smile.
"I'm sorry, Dear," replied King Darren. "How did you sleep?"
"Fair, I suppose. Yourself?" Ariana went back to messing with her hair.
"I slept wonderfully." Darren got out of bed and stretched his bulky body. "And I had the most fantastic dream. So realistic and so beautiful."
"Really?" Ariana asked, interested. "What was it about?"
"Well, the setting was today and we were both in the throne room. Suddenly, the guards escorted in this man with an adorable little girl of about ten years old. The man told us that he bought her from the market and that he thought we'd like to have her work for us, and oh – I could see her so clearly!"
The smile on the queen's face slowly vanished as the king continued to explain his dream to her.
"She had beautiful crimson hair, bright blue eyes, and glowing skin as white as a pearl. And her lips were so luscious and bright red. Such a lovely child. She said her name was – "
"Nadia," the queen finished for him. There was a look of concern on her face. "She said her parents had died and we agreed to let her stay with us. In the end, she married the heir to the throne."
King Darren looked at her in astonishment. "How did you know?"
"I had the same dream. So vivid, I remember everything."
There was a moment of silence before the king asked, "Do you think there's something more to this dream?"
Ariana hoped not. "I'm not sure."
That afternoon, King Darren and Queen Ariana were in a drawing room consulting with their royal advisor about their dream. The queen paced around in a state of anxiety and the king remained seated on the sofa, leaning forward in anticipation.
"Well, from what I hear, this is a very special dream," said the advisor.
"Clearly, Polaris," said Darren. "But can you tell us why we both had this same dream?"
"I can," Polaris replied as he stood up and walked around. He dressed in a gold shirt with large sleeves and a black vest. "There have been many studies on these kinds of occurrences, all leading to the same conclusion. These dreams are meant to happen, eventually. If there's a particular time set in the dream, it's said to happen at that exact time."
"Oh, this is wonderful!" exclaimed the king. "Ariana, did you hear?" The queen did her best to express equal excitement. "This child, this Nadia, is coming to live with us and marry Myrdor! Oh, our son is going to have the most divine queen!"
King Darren danced out of the room and Polaris enjoyed watching the spectacle. He then looked to Queen Ariana, who did not share her husband's enthusiasm.
"Is something wrong, Your Majesty?" Polaris asked her.
She glanced at him, then looked at the floor. "Oh, nothing. I suppose I'm just confused."
Polaris smiled. "That's understandable. You'll adjust in time."
Queen Ariana nodded. "Of course."
Then she, too, left the room. Ariana went to her chamber and paced the carpeted floor, filled with angst. How could this happen? A little slave girl was going to live in her palace, and later even marry her eldest son. On top of that, her husband was excited about it! Such a concept was a disgrace and it was her responsibility as queen and mother to keep this dishonor from falling upon her family. But what could she do? Suddenly, she had a thought and threw herself at her desk to scribble a short letter. She sealed the envelope and summoned her lady in waiting.
"Your Majesty," said the lady in waiting with a curtsy.
"Lusi, take this letter to Count Rallian immediately. Do not return without his response. Understand? No exceptions."
"Yes, Your Majesty." Lusi curtsied and left right away.
On a hilltop just outside of Helvetica (the city of the palace) was another, smaller castle of white and grey, seemingly in constant flurry. Lusi took a coach there and looked in awe upon the estate. It had been a while since she last visited and it looked much bigger now. Just inside the large, curly, silver gate was a grand courtyard, live with exotic vegetation. It was about a three-minute ride from the gate to the front door, but it was an inspiring one as she studied the wide variety of plant-life and artwork which embellished the courtyard. Even though the estate appeared to be under some sort of construction, it was still an absolutely breathtaking sight.
Lusi left the coach for the count's servants to take care of and with her bodyguards right behind her, she lifted the skirt of her royal blue sari and climbed up the marble steps leading to the broad, iron double doors. She used the massive knocker twice and a satyr butler answered in a very timely manner.
"What can I do for you, Madam?" he asked with a face empty of emotion.
"I have a message from Her Majesty to the count," Lusi replied. "She expects a response back immediately."
"Please, come in."
The satyr led her and her bodyguards to a drawing room a few feet away from the entrance. Their shoes made such a racket on the tiled floors that Lusi was almost embarrassed and fought to make her steps lighter. She was relieved to finally make it to the drawing room where there was a rug to cover most of the area.
The satyr butler motioned them to take a seat. "Please make yourselves comfortable. His Lordship will be right with you."
"Thank you," Lusi replied.
The butler left her to study the castle with its marble pillars and silver designs painted on every inch of the building. In the room she sat, she noticed the abundance of color on the furniture and fabric as well as the gold fringe on the pillows, blankets and curtains. Even the royal palace wasn't so overly decorated.
Lusi then brought her attention to the servants and slaves, who surrounded her, and she was able to tell the two apart. The slaves were more sorrow-laden and wore gold cuffs on their right biceps. She took a moment to thank God that she was not one of them.
Finally, the count entered with a young slave girl at his right and the butler at his left. He was a large man, colorfully dressed, and he had a face that was stern but could look rather jolly when he was in the right mood.
"Can I help you?" he asked.
Lusi stood up and curtsied. "You have a letter from Her Royal Majesty, my Lord." She handed the count the letter. "She expects an immediate response."
"Sounds urgent," the count said as he opened the envelope. "Garnet, bring my writing tray."
"Yes, Master," the slave replied with a curtsy.
The count took a seat and read the letter to himself:
My Dear Friend,
I have need for your assistance, and it might very well benefit you greatly, depending on how you take advantage of my situation. There is a small girl about to be sold as a slave to a man who intends to bring her to my palace. Her name is Nadia. She is ten years of age, has crimson hair, pearl skin, bright red lips and blue eyes. I want you to see to it that she does not arrive here. I do not care how you do it. Kill her and the buyer, kidnap her from him and send her away, buy her yourself, do it however you will but I never wish to see her. This is not the end to my request but I shall explain more about this to you over tea. Come before noon.
Your Royal Queen,
Ariana of Noelle
Garnet returned with what the count had asked for and he wrote a quick response, simply saying that he was on his way over and he would give her his answer over tea. Then everyone stood up when he did and he handed his reply to Lusi.
"Thank you for your service, Madam," he said.
Lusi nodded her head. "Good day to you, sir."
Then she and her bodyguards left the castle and returned to the palace.
"Makiar," said the count to his butler.
"Yes, my Lord," Makiar replied.
"Get two men to accompany you into town. Have them read this description and see to it that you buy this girl from the slave market. Even if you have to spend a million crescents on her. Do you understand?"
"Yes, my Lord."
"Good. I have an appointment with the queen that I must attend. Send me word when you have her. I'm leaving as soon as possible with Garnet and Mauro. Have them ready in ten minutes and get the coach out front immediately. You may leave after I do."
At the palace, Queen Ariana and Count Rallian laughed and sipped tea on the balcony of a grand sitting room located on the third floor. Garnet and Mauro stood at the entrance to the balcony, dressed to the nines. They kept their faces covered and their backs turned to the two old friends, as the queen hated slaves to her core.
"Ah, Rallian," the queen said after laughing at a previous tale. "It's too bad you don't come over more often. I certainly miss your presence here."
"Yes well, I've been quite busy since I became a count," Rallian replied.
"It's a shame you had to retire. You were my best White Knight and there hasn't been one like you since."
"You flatter me, Your Majesty."
"It's true though. I'm very disappointed with my current knights. You should train them for me."
"You already have someone training them, don't you? Polaris trained me. Did you replace him?"
"No, but he says so himself that these men are a joke. I was hoping you might have a different strategy. After all, your slaves and servants seem to be well disciplined, you could probably do the same with my knights."
Rallian chuckled but he wasn't enjoying the topic of conversation. "Is this what you wanted to talk with me about?"
"No, we just came to a wrong subject," the queen answered. "What I wanted to discuss with you is the reason I need you to keep that girl from my palace, or rather, one of the reasons. It was too much to write, especially in the amount of time I had. I also didn't want to run the risk of anyone reading it."
"Well I'm all ears," said Rallian.
"I want you to pretend that you're King Klaris of Saíd, and write a letter to my husband. Here's what you're to write." Queen Ariana handed Rallian a piece of paper that had been folded many times. "An example of the seal of Saíd is in there. Have it forged and seal the letter with it."
Rallian looked at the seal and read the note. "I see. You're planning a war."
The queen smiled. "I told you I'd bring empires back into fashion someday."
"Is the king involved?"
"Oh please. He's busy adorning the palace right now in preparation for Nadia's arrival."
"She's the girl I told you to be rid of. How's that coming along, by the way?"
"I have three men on it right now. They're going to alert me when they've caught her."
"Good. So will you do this for me?"
Rallian shrugged. "Why not?" The queen smiled. "However, I want your word that my estate will not be affected by your acts of mischief. I have a lot of construction taking place and no time or money to waste."
"Very well. If anything happens to your property, I shall replace it myself with twice as much. Agreed?"
"I want that in writing."
The queen was offended that her word wasn't enough. But as long as it would get him to write that letter, she wasn't about to argue. She got up and exited the balcony. "Move," she snapped at Garnet and Mauro. They both stepped aside and let the queen pass. Rallian followed and watched Ariana write the contract at the desk in the sitting room. After she signed it, she handed it to him and he read it over.
"Wonderful." He placed the note in an inside coat pocket. "I shall keep this with me for future reference."
The door to the sitting room opened and they both turned their heads to see a warecat servant enter. She curtsied when she said, "Your Majesty. A message came for His Lordship."
"Bring it here," Ariana replied.
Rallian took the note and read it. He showed it to the queen and they both smiled at its contents: We have her, sir.
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"The Law maintains the sanction, endowed upon it by God, to classify all citizens as Persons or as Slaves, as well as the authority to define the words in question."The Southern sun shone its hot rays onto Rein Bow's eyes and rudely awakened her from a shallow sleep. Such a nuisance was why she generally preferred to sleep somewhere that enclosed her in sanctuary, but she didn't have the heart to leave the abandoned Princess Nadia alone in a world in which she had not been prepared to live. After the miracle worker of the Aquamarine Ocean had left the princess in the cave the night before, Rein had decided that she would personally escort Nadia to the palace in Helvetica where she was to live with King Darren and Queen Ariana for the rest of her life; a life which was expected to be more pleasant than the lif
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"The Sovereign and his Parliament of the Kingdom of Noelle hereby hold that a 'Person' is defined as a citizen who possesses a free will and individual voice unobstructed by another absent of Royal Blood, Noble Classification, or Royally Appointed Authority... Therefore, a Person cannot be controlled or spoken for by another Person."Makiar opened one of the large iron doors to welcome home Sir Rallian, who trudged into his castle with a heavy sigh. Slowly the seventy-two-year-old count, who appeared to be in his late forties due to being of a slowly-aging race, removed his mustard yellow coat and handed it to his butler along with his ivory dress cane."How was your meeting with the queen, my Lord?" Makiar asked.
Silver Skeletons: Book 3 The Rose Tree Chronicles Chapter Three: The Rose Tree
"A Slave must have written permission from its owner to obtain an apprenticeship or to participate in trade."About an hour after Nadia was first summoned, she reentered Count Rallian's study with fresh, pitch-black hair and curtsied in front of her master's desk where he sat inscribing yet another letter. After a moment of silence, Nadia spoke up."I've dyed my hair like you asked me to, Master."The count peered up from his scribbles. "Very good. Have a seat there."He gestured to the same chair Nadia had previously sat in and she did as she was told. Behind the count, she spotted Rein in the window again where the curtains were now open. Rein
Silver Skeletons: Book 3 The Rose Tree Chronicles Chapter Four: The Future Looks Dim...
"The Sovereign and his Parliament of the Kingdom of Noelle hereby hold that 'Property' is an object or living thing that a Person purchases or trades for ownership of as per the Trade Laws of Noelle. Once a Noelle citizen has purchased or traded for the possession of Property, that citizen owns the object or living thing and may do with it as he or she wishes. Thus, that citizen dictates what the object or living thing does and speaks for it. Furthermore, a Slave is, by definition, Property."Rein sighed heavily, but slowly all the pieces came together to form a very important picture. At least now she was aware of who was on Nadia's side and who was not. However, revealing whatever plot Ariana and Rallian were concocting could be dangerous depending on who she revealed such information to.
Silver Skeletons: Book 3 The Rose Tree Chronicles Chapter Five: And Thus Began a New War
"As stated in Article 1, Section 1 of the Law of Noelle, all Persons possess inherent, God-given rights further specified in Sections II-V. However, because a Slave is not a Person, a Slave does not bear the same God-given rights bestowed upon Persons."Three days later, on Sueño 14th, King Darren had nearly finished getting dressed in light blue and lavender when the courier delivered a message from whom Darren believed to be King Klaris. He dismissed his footman and read the script to himself. Rein had spent most of the past three weeks reading Polaris's journal at the palace while she waited for this response. Now that it had arrived at last, she watched impatiently as King Darren grew angrier and angrier the further he read through the letter. Why couldn't he read anything out loud?
Silver Skeletons: Book 3 The Rose Tree Chronicles Chapter Six: Change Calls for Blood
"No citizen can bestow upon a Slave any rights specified in the Law of Noelle to be the rights of a Person, and no citizen shall attempt to do so."That same morning, Polaris and Drake were back out in the cemetery with Wendell observing the Rose Tree to see if anything new had transpired. Its twisted trunk leaned further away from the palace as if to aid its drooping pearl branches in their growing effort to touch the ground. Polaris expected that the black leaves would brush the dirt before the end of the next month."Nothing new has happened since we smelled the soap and farm animals, Your Honor," Wendell informed."Well, I suppose no news is good news," Drake said.
Silver Skeletons: Book 3 The Rose Tree Chronicles Chapter Seven: The Annual Slave Arena
"Slaves may not look into the eyes of Royalty or Nobility, however their eyes must be visible. If this law is at all violated, the Slave will undergo severe physical punishment and then it will either be executed or assigned in to the following Annual Slave Arena. The owner may or may not be informed and will not be reimbursed for the Slave's value."The next day, Nadia was thought to be well enough to return to work. She was silent throughout her chores and avoided eye-contact with most everyone. Almost half of the residents of Aimonbay Estate had been involved in the construction in some way at some point, so almost half of the residents of Aimonbay were upset with Nadia for her apparent wanton debauchery of two nights ago, and felt that her punishment hadn't been harsh enough to deliver justice. Her actions
Silver Skeletons: Book 3 The Rose Tree Chronicles Chapter Eight: The Questionable Solution
"Slaves in public must not speak unless spoken to. If this law is at all violated, the Slave will undergo severe physical punishment. If this law is violated against one of Royal or Noble Blood, the Slave will thereafter either be executed or assigned into the following Annual Slave Arena. The owner may or may not be informed and will not be reimbursed for the Slave's value."The trek through Helvetica wasn't a completely quiet one, which Nadia would have much preferred. As they neared the boarder, Polaris began to ask her questions, and they were questions which put Nadia on edge."So, when did you color your hair?"Obviously, Nadia was hesitant to answer honestly. However, it was clear to
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Chapter Thirty: Lady Ivanna's Phobia
"Those birthed from a Slave are immediately determined to be a Slave. The proper paperwork of the Slave's official birth must be turned in to the Association of Slave Owners within the day of that Slave's birth or the following morning."Rein's posture changed to defensive upon seeing the sheer panic in Ivanna's eyes. She looked at the webbing between Ivanna's fingers and then glanced at the four assassins. "Yes, they know you're part mermaid. I'm sorry. I thought it was necessary to explain your plans involving the marquis as a way to further explain your feelings about elves since he plans to use cuffs engraved with Elvish against you again.""Please don't feel concerned that we have this knowledge," said Elion. "We also understand what it's like to be
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Sword of Defense
"All Slave Auctioneers must carry proof given to them upon being appointed, stating that they have been affirmed by the Association of Slave Owners. If proof is not available upon questioning, it will be assumed that the auctioneer in question is not legally appointed.""Your queen will now choose the sword she deems most important by which to rule."Queen Ariana rose and set the orb on a marble podium between the thrones and leaned the scepter against the same podium. She then made her way down the steps of the dais and lifted the sword with the black hilt from the floor. She returned to the top of the dais and with both hands held the sword out towards her audience."These are dire days in our belo
Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Triumph of Evil
"All Slave Auctions must be run by auctioneers appointed by the Association of Slave Owners. Any auctioneer not authorized by the Association of Slave Owners will be taken into custody and sold in the next scheduled Slave Auction."Hours after Nadia's lessons ended, Ivanna sat in front of Polaris's active grand fireplace in the drawing room deep in thought with a chalice of lona in her hands. There was much to contemplate and it all distracted her from enjoying her drink and admiring the fire. Polaris soon entered with a glass of bourbon and sat in the seat across from her."So," he began. The sudden utterance snapped Ivanna back into the room. "You have a plan to prepare the kingdom for Nadia's ethnicity."
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Hard-Headed and the Stubborn
"All Slave Auctions will take place once a month on Market Day, the date and time of which will be determined by the mayor of the town."Despite the fact that Ezra knew her skills were limited, she could never forgive herself if she didn't at least try and end the naiad to save her brother in Iah-Ra. Suddenly, the flame in her hands erupted into a ball of fire larger than she thought she could manage. She pushed her confusion aside for the moment and threw it at the naiad where it exploded into an inferno that left nothing behind but a puff of vapor.  
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Rogue Assassins
"Each town is allotted one auction stand to be kept in the center of town for the Slave Market. Each scaffold must be ten feet tall, twenty feet long, and eight feet wide."Nadia didn't appear any better than she had looked before Makiar forced her to touch the ball. She lay there motionless, breathless, completely void of any sign of life. No one said a word while Makiar placed his fingers against Nadia's throat."Her pulse is back to normal, my Lord," he informed."Good," Rallian said as he released the breath he had held. "Inform the nursemaids that I want her nursed back to health as soon as possible so that she can get back to her chores quickly."
Chapter Twenty-Five: Secrets
"The death of a Slave must be reported to the Association of Slave Owners forty-eight hours after the death."There was so much information in Marquis Rallian's journal that Rein wanted to read the entire thing right then and there. Unfortunately, she knew that she didn't have enough time to do so. She would just have to return once Rallian was asleep and read it then. In the meantime, she had to prioritize the more important subjects within the pages: Ariana and Nadia.Much of the content of the journal was surprising to Rein. There was silent strain and much mistrust between Rallian and Ariana. He expected her to demand Nadia's death any day now and predicted it to be the beginning of the end of their friendship since he was prepared to refuse. However,
Chapter Twenty-Four: The New Year's Gala
"Slaves over the age of eighty that are not sold at the end of the first auction are to be disposed of."Polaris was completely horrified when he found not his king being threatened, but his king huddled in a ball against another hedge, having entirely lost control of his specter abilities. Polaris felt the blood drain from his body as he watched King Darren's skin change color, change texture; as his hair grew long, then shortened, then became curly, then wavy, then straight. The spectacle didn't end there. The control was so lost that Polaris could examine as King Darren's bones twisted, turned, changed position, and even changed shape completely beneath his morphing skin."S-sire?" Polaris managed as he sheathed his sword. King Darren didn't even seem
Chapter Twenty-Three: The King's Sanity in Question
"Slaves under the age of eighty that are not sold at the end of an auction will be put into auction a second time. If by the end of the second auction they are still not sold, they will be sent to another town to be sold there."Polaris wasn't certain how to feel when he learned that Parliament was gathering for an emergency meeting, though he knew it could mean nothing good. As Drake had no official court title, he was not permitted to attend. This was unfortunate as Polaris had the haunting impression that he could use the moral support of his close friend at that time.Polaris made sure to be dressed impeccably in a black glittered vest and gold shirt when he entered the foyer of the forum in the center of Helvetica. He felt the need to stand outside t
Chapter Twenty-Two: An Awakening at a Wake
"Those who are sold as Slaves officially become Slaves when the proper paperwork is turned in to the Association of Slave Owners."Because Polaris was on his own and not part of a slow caravan, he made haste and managed to arrive at Lakeblood Manor in the former Kingdom of Saíd on Zafirô 18, eleven days after he learned of Myrdor's passing. The once red trees were void of leaves and flawless white snow blanketed the ground, the black rune-like designs of which decorated the estate with a dark elegance. Polaris's coach rolled up to the entrance and the butler answered the large, gunmetal doors."Your Honor," he said. "The lady is expecting you. Allow me to show you to her and I'll have someone take care of your coach and horses."