13. Silver's POV

Silver kept on looking until Jacob walked away, back to the team bus, and the bus left Newark, obviously heading for New York City.

That was his life—seeing his father, but not close enough for the man to see him or touch him. He kept on wondering if his father actually knew that he existed. What if his mother had lied to him? he thought.

After they left, work went on as usual, and with time, the crowd dispersed, going back to their places of work or residence.

Having a part-time job, playing football, and trying to meet up with his credit load at school was tiring. Some days, like today, he felt exhausted as he had been standing for hours. Maybe it was him stretching his legs or the look on his face that alerted the manager to his side.

"You can take a break if you are exhausted. Silver, you know you started work a bit earlier. So you can take a rest," the manager told him.

Silver sighed. On a normal day, he would turn down the offer. He hated being pitied by people or offered things
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