Matt wasted no time or coin, he went and accepted the request to guard the merchant caravan, then he went out and brought some basic supplies and a proper backpack along with a few coils of robe, oh and a woven cloth shirt too, all this set him back about 1 and a half gold coin, leaving him with 22 gold coins all before he met with the people from the merchant caravan, they had been caring ingots and salt to Tevil and were now bringing monster loot and cores back towards the capital and the mountain forges in the west, speaking of Tevil from what Matt learned it was located on the eastern frontier of the republic of Kel.
Matt met up with the merchant caravan, he recognized some adventures in the caravan from last night of drinking, and they naturally recognized him and greeted him warmly, one of them called out when he saw Matt
“Hey it’s Matt!”
Matt showed a smile and greeted the man back
“Hey Seb”
The bear of a man was named Sebastian, though he was Seb to his friends and after a night of drinking the two of them had hit it off rather well, Seb threw his arm around Matt’s shoulder and whispered
“I thought you and Michelle hit it off rather well last night, and now you’re leaving with us? What’s the deal?”
Michelle was naturally the pretty receptionist, Matt showed a smile and told a lie without blinking
“I figured if I did this job and a return one I could buy a house in town and propose to her? Think she’ll forgive me?”
Seb’s eyes widened before he spoke in praise
“Not bad Matt, that’ll knock her legs out under her”
“What are the two of you whispering about?”
Seb nearly jumped at the voice of his wife, another adventure named Lise, she wore a triangle hat and a robe, she also carried a staff, her skills allowed her to wield mana and use spells, that’s right, she was one of the famed ‘mages’ and had graduated from an esteemed academy in the capital, Matt showed a flattering smile and spoke
“I’m still in awe that a bear named Seb managed to land such a fine woman as you, Lise”
Lise showed a smile in her eyes as she giggled before she looked at Seb and spoke
“He has some soft spots too, you know”
Seb laughed before he spoke loudly
“Here that Matt? Maybe you should take a note out of my book? Not that your idea isn’t brilliant too”
Lise walked over and asked
“What's a brilliant idea?”
Seb quickly whispered Matt’s ‘plan’ to Lise that blushed in response before she looked admiringly at Matt, then she pushed up her glasses and patted him on the shoulder as she spoke
“Not bad Matt… Not bad at all… If things comes to it, I’ll lay in a good word with her for you”
Matt showed a smile and nodded, soon the convoy began moving and left the gates of Tevil behind…
The thing about convoys was that they were a massive target, both for roving bandits and monsters, the wealth contained in this particular convoy was massive and its route well known, that said there wasn’t only 3 adventures guarding it, there were close to 30 as well as 15 merchant guardsmen that were employed directly by the merchants in the convoy, the difference in the two were that the adventures were employed by the guild and were lent to the merchants were the convoy guardsmen were employed directly by the merchants. This was not necessarily a good thing, the guild categorized its members into a ‘rank’ that went from the lowest, F, E, D, B, A, A+, S, S+, SS and finally at the highest rank SSS that said, to acquire a rank it was necessary to complete a ‘trial request’ where statements from the other adventures were taken to categorize ones rank. The merchant guards were either people that didn’t like how the guild worked or, more likely, people that had been kicked out of the guild, thus the two groups of guards and adventures only cooperated when absolutely necessary, such as now
“Five more on the West side! Two South-West!”
“Got it!”
The convoy was currently under attack by giant army ants, they had already killed about 15 of the dog sized ants, still they showed no signs of stopping their onslaught and came pouring in from the surroundings, the ‘ankle-biters’ were annoying to deal with as they were small enough that they were hard to hit, but big enough to bite straight through the ankles of the guards and adventures, though Matt didn’t seem to have any problems with them (despite being unarmed) as he yelled out
“I got the 2 South-West!”
Matt kicked off the ground and jumped up about 10 meters, after soaring through the air he landed on his heel, stomping the head of an army ant, killing it at once as he squashed its head then he kicked under the other army ant succeeded in propelling it into the air where he punched it with a right hook shattering its carapace killing it at once
“Hey rookie! Slow down!”
“Yeah, leave some for us, rookie!”
Matt figured it was about time to slow down, he had defeated 17 army ants so far, besides it looked like it was about to be the end of the attacking ants, so he began gathering his kills, after about half an hour he had harvested all the cores and sold the rest of the carcasses to the convoy that had room to spare for this purpose, thus the convoy days began merging into each other and by the time they had reached the capital of the republic of Kel about 4 months later Matt was infinitely close to reaching level 3, he had long since forgotten the people of the border city of Tevil, if only they had forgotten him too…
Matt looked up at the high walls of the capital, it was this city that the republic had been named after, it was the city of Kel, having about 1 million inhabitants it was known as a never ending swirl of desire, plots and greed, still Matt had come here, he had thought a lot about if he wanted to move on from here, but in the end he decided he would stay in this city for the foreseeable future, to many innocent eyes this was a city of hope and dreams, but Matt could smell it, it was indeed a city of dreams, though only for the strong, as for the rest? They were simply fodder to feed the strong
‘Michelle’ suddenly muttered
“Oh… I am dead…”
She didn’t know when, how or why, she just realized at one point of the last 2 months of staring at her own corpse decaying that she had died, her soul had been separated from her body, she was currently overlooking the hellscape that used to be the people living in the town of Tevil, there had been no survivors. Michelle’s soul had been trapped, forever condemned to be stuck in this hellscape, that was until something happened, a crow landed on her corpse and began picking at the decaying flesh, this was nothing new, but when it tore open her clenched fingers and a glint of gold was revealed something changed in Michelle, that was the gold coin that Matt had given her. That was the thing she had been clutching as she died, now seeing the crow attempt to take it her soul was filled with immense anger, an anger she could not contain as her illusory figure clutched her head and screamed
“That’s mine! You can’t take it!”
The crow pecked on at her tightly locked fingers, ignoring her cries, it was still trying to rob her of that which was hers, her anger was so intense, she had never cared as much about something as she cared about that gold coin
“It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine! It’s mine!---“
At that moment, it happened, her will seemed to break through something as her illusory hand suddenly grasped the crow and instantly turned it into a bloody pulp and mess of black feathers as her corpse’s locked fingers opened and the gold coin floated up before it became the center of something unholy, something that had successfully crossed the borders of life and emerged in death, at that moment Michelle became a specter, her scream echoed around the hellscape of Tevil and attracted all the souls that were still lingering to her as they were instantly consumed something that only had happened at the start of the last dark ages happened again, the illusory figure seemed to condense further and further as the newly reborn Michelle muttered
“Where are you, Matt? I want to see you…”
Related Chapters
Skeletal Dragon Avatar Core snatchers
Over the last 4 months of convoy travel, Matt had killed a lot of different monsters, not only that but also a lot of bandits that sought the wealth of the convoy, not all adventures or guards had survived the convoy to the capital, the original 30 adventures had shrunk to 23 and the original 15 guards had shrunk to 11, this was rather normal though as death was just a part of life in this world, Matt adjusted quickly, the thoughts of his old world seemed further and further behind him, almost like a fleeting dream‘Oh well… I like it here, I get to be myself’Matt showed a smile, he was currently in a bar inside the walls of Kel, the bar was named ‘Wanderlust’ and was one of the best stocked bars in the outer city, Matt and the other adventures were currently celebrating getting paid from their time in the convoy, Matt himself had landed 16 gold coins from the whole ordeal, considering he had been fed during the 4 months he figured that it was an okay salary, he was currently chuggin
Skeletal Dragon Avatar New in the neighborhood
Matt looked blankly at the bartender that looked back at him with a pale face before she quickly sprung into action, she quickly grabbed a piece of cloth and a bottle of spirits as she hurried over to Matt while she was visibly panicking“You got stabbed, quickly, let me see the wound! I know a bit of first aid!”Matt tilted his head before he pulled up his shirt and showed his side to the flustered bartender that paused at once“...No way”The wound that still should be bleeding was all but closed, the bartender looked up at Matt with wonder and confusion in her eyes as he sighed and spoke“It’s a skill… No, I suppose it’s more of a trait”The bartender’s eyes widened once more, traits or racial traits were, although rare, sometimes seen in humans, which in and of itself was a conundrum, because humans themselves didn’t have a racial trait, other than the fact that they were ‘adaptable’ this “Trait” was the reason they inhabited every corner of the Alpha world Matt found himself on,
Skeletal Dragon Avatar The guardsmen of Kel
Matt walked back to the bar but showed a frown when he arrived, the front door was wide open and someone was shouting inside“Hey! Bring me some ale!”Matt sighed before he walked up to the open door and took a look, inside the bar was 3 people wearing matching but poorly maintained metal armor, they were sitting around a table while shouting at Lilly, Matt sighed before he knocked on the open door as he spoke up with a fake smile on his face“Oh, we got customers?”Naturally, the guards didn’t take kindly to being interrupted“Who the fuck are you!?”Matt’s smile widened as he walked in and placed the paper bag with bread on the table before he turned to the 3 guards and spoke“Lilly told me that you 3 have quite the tap running… We would like you to pay up or get the fuck out of here”The guards looked at each other before they all broke out in mocking laughter, then one of them stood up and placed a hand on the hilt of his sword before he asked“Yeah, we have quite the tap running,
Skeletal Dragon Avatar slum patrol team
“The what now?”The guard’s captain showed a smile“It’s a simple patrol team, well what the patrol team is like can wait for another day, that is of course unless you want to admit to killing a guardsman and be executed for it?”Matt kept his smile unwavering as he spoke“In that case, I’ll meet you another day, I humbly thank you, esteemed guard’s captain, for taking time out of your… Busy schedule to meet me”The guard's captain felt the sarcasm in Matt’s words and narrowed his eyes slightly before he turned and spoke while walking away“Until then, Matt”Matt sighed and watched the guardsmen walk away, then he picked up the crate again and walked into the bar along with an oddly quiet Lilly, after carefully putting the crate down he asked her“What’s wrong?”Lilly sighed before she spoke“The slum patrol team”“What about them?”Lilly sighed again and spoke“It’s made up of criminals… And the mortality rate is very high… Even though they call it a ‘patrol team’ it’s basically a bu
Skeletal Dragon Avatar Killing in the slum
“...Okay, tell me again, will you, buddy boy?”Matt was currently in sitting in the middle of a scene of carnage, corpses were littered around the place, some were still bleeding out, so they weren’t quite corpses yet, though they soon would be, Matt was sitting on the back of the last surviving men that had come to attack them while he interrogated him“We’re just trying to make a living…!”“By beating us unconscious and selling us as slaves?”“So what!?”Matt sighed before he reached down and grabbed the back of the man's head with one hand and his chin with the other“Any last words?”“...See you in hell!”Matt showed a smile before he twisted slightly, breaking the man’s neck, then he ripped open his chest and took out his core, Matt was alone, the other people he had been with had fled as soon as the carnage started, Matt collected the rest of the cores before he casually strolled further into the slums, he didn’t take more than 50 steeps before someone jumped out in front of him
Skeletal Dragon Avatar New employment
Matt sat down at the counter as the mysterious man offered him the seat, he didn’t touch the beer that was poured for him however, and just sat and waited for the mysterious man to begging speaking, which he thankfully did a few seconds later“So… Any particular reason why you are looking to raise your level, Matt?”Matt showed a smile, this was the general consensus, that people that worked as either adventures or just killed living things in general, were looking to raise their level, it wasn’t far off the mark for Matt however, not that he was going to directly admit that, so instead he asked“Have you ever seen a specter?”The mysterious man shook his head, Matt’s smile widened slightly as he continued speaking“Well, let’s just say that it would…. Motivate oneself to do certain kinds of things, getting stronger is one of them”The mysterious man nodded before he introduced himself“My name is Kelvin, I represent a certain noble whose interests lie in… Shall we say, cleaning up th
Skeletal Dragon Avatar Interlude 1 - A certain lady's journey
“Tch… Finally, bit the dust, huh…”A man that was hunched over a woman clicked his tongue, despite that introduction let it be known that there was no intimacy at that moment, simply an act of horrible violence as the man stood up after finishing choking the life out of the poor woman, he showed no regret for his actions, only a self-satisfied look on his face as he was about to molest the corpse, just the way he liked it, a person knocked on the door to his room, pissed off at being interrupted he yelled in a fit of rage“WHAT!?”The door opened slightly before another man spoke“Boss, we spotted a lone noble woman on the road”The bandit boss’ rage only increased, but just as he was about to yell at his underling he spoke again“It’s not an ambush, she’s completely alone”The bandit boss looked towards the corpse on the floor of his room before he thought for a moment and sighed“Fine… Let’s go get this noble”The bandit boss stepped out of the room, the bandit camp which was made i
Skeletal Dragon Avatar New employment
Matt sat down at the counter as the mysterious man offered him the seat, he didn’t touch the beer that was poured for him however, and just sat and waited for the mysterious man to begging speaking, which he thankfully did a few seconds later“So… Any particular reason why you are looking to raise your level, Matt?”Matt showed a smile, this was the general consensus, that people that worked as either adventures or just killed living things in general, were looking to raise their level, it wasn’t far off the mark for Matt however, not that he was going to directly admit that, so instead he asked“Have you ever seen a specter?”The mysterious man shook his head, Matt’s smile widened slightly as he continued speaking“Well, let’s just say that it would…. Motivate oneself to do certain kinds of things, getting stronger is one of them”The mysterious man nodded before he introduced himself“My name is Kelvin, I represent a certain noble whose interests lie in… Shall we say, cleaning up th
Latest Chapter
Eve's warning
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Visit to the White House
Matt appeared in the skies over D.C. At once he felt countless eyes on him, he relished in the gazes for a moment before he gazed downwards, then he paused for a moment before he thought as he folded his wings and fell though the air‘Man, my god complex is getting a little out of hand… oh well, as long as I keep it in mind…’Matt unfolded his wings a few hundred meters over the ground and glided down and landed at the press entrance to the White House before he straightened his clothes and unsummoned his wings before he gazed at the staff and security personal and spoke plainly“I don’t have an invitation, but I was called, can I pass?”Two of the security personal exchanged looks before they took a step back, one of the White
Meeting a familiar face
Mat’s dragon body spent a few hours basking in the solar wind before he entered a local hyperlane and arrived in orbit around Earth, influenced by the childish mind of his dragon body Matt’s dragon body floated around for a bit in orbit as an asteroid before he decided to call it quits and entered the upper atmosphere and soon touched down North of Las Vegas next to the metal facility…The next day Matt released the soldiers in his captivity, they were escorted out of the metal facility by the Illgas while Matt sat on the roof of the metal facility and watched them leave towards the edge of the city where busses were lined up waiting for their arrival, Matt closed his eyes and laid back on the metal facility’s roof and basked in the sun for a bit before he suddenly sat himself up, his dragon body had spotted something, Matt was instantly on high alert as phantasmal sk
Liberty Island aftermath
Matt opened his eyes, a forest spread out before him, he knew at once that he was dreaming, this was the forest he had landed in when he arrived in the otherworld, soon he would be torn limb from limb by the hostile fauna of the forest, he let out a sigh and stood, and waited, though nothing appeared, even after some time“Huh…”Matt focused and waved his hand in front of his face, soon the surrounding changed as he wished“Neat”After various view changed around, Matt eventually floated around in space next to star, curled up in a ball as he closed his eyes and rested, soon the dream passed, and he fell back into unconsciousness…Matt wo
"---Next level Superman shit"
As Matt fell from the sky, ethereal skeletal wings formed behind his back which flapped once before he instantly accelerated as he did a flip midair and with a low rumble Matt slammed his feet into the ground kicking up dust as he crushed the red bricks under his feet at Flagpole plaza, the Zinfaquel terrorists that were spread over the island were instantly alerted to his descent and without waiting for the dust to clear, nor checking their lines of fire, they took aim and fired their weapons towards the dust cloud, the sound of bullets hitting steel sounded out for a bit before Matt’s figure flashed out of the dust cloud, he was completely covered in white dragon scales by now, he instantly closed the distance with the closest terrorists and punched out center mass turning the man into a thick paste with a single punch before his figure flashed towards the next terrorist, then came a 3rd, a 4th, a 5th cloud of thick red paste before the terror
Walking, Talking, Fire-breathing Superhero
Matt woke up from his light sleep, he found that the room was empty besides himself, so clearly Lily had woken up before him and let him sleep in, Matt lay in the bed and gazed into the ceiling for a bit, clearly not fully awake, after a bit he sat himself up and stretched before he got out of bed and left the room, after checking up on a few things he was pleasantly surprised to find out that there had not been any other mistreating of the prisoners, Matt stepped out of the metal facility and found Lily half laying down on a large beach chair outside the metal facility, next to her was two Illgas that guarded her, Matt showed a smile and walked up next to her“I thought you didn’t like the sunlight here?”Lily didn’t bother opening her eyes as spoke“I don’t, but here in the morn
A stroll
Thomas nodded, ignoring the frightening display of power just displayed by Eve, he continued to ask about various things around the break of dawn the two parties had settled on an agreement, after the two of them shook hands Thomas spoke“I’ll have the legal department draft up diplomatic immunity for the souls you brought along with you, Matthew, but don’t expect congress to agree to anything quite yet”Matt nodded before he stretched, as he did something caught his eye again in the sky, he then straight up asked Thomas“Have commercial drones really improved so much since I was away?”Thomas didn’t get that Matt was referring to a drone flying overhead and simple spoke“Techno
Tank VS Dragon Avatar
Matt took a step forwards, behind him his dragon body lowered itself slightly, ready to strike, Matt spoke as his body quickly was covered by dragon scales“You guys sure are impatient…”The sun rapidly shrunk down on the horizon, as Matt walked forwards towards the city edge, in response 10 tanks rolled up in a firing line, multiple infantry support vehicles covered the tanks flanks as about a hundred heavily armed infantry, brave men and women moved up behind the tanks, they were loyal to their general and had decided to follow his orders to strike against this alien in human skin, within the tank group leaders tank the commander received his permission to engage the target“Load high explosive! We’ll blow this guy away first, then focus on the alien dragon!”