slum patrol team
Author: zad1333
last update2022-11-23 16:13:07

“The what now?”

The guard’s captain showed a smile

“It’s a simple patrol team, well what the patrol team is like can wait for another day, that is of course unless you want to admit to killing a guardsman and be executed for it?”

Matt kept his smile unwavering as he spoke

“In that case, I’ll meet you another day, I humbly thank you, esteemed guard’s captain, for taking time out of your… Busy schedule to meet me”

The guard's captain felt the sarcasm in Matt’s words and narrowed his eyes slightly before he turned and spoke while walking away

“Until then, Matt”

Matt sighed and watched the guardsmen walk away, then he picked up the crate again and walked into the bar along with an oddly quiet Lilly, after carefully putting the crate down he asked her

“What’s wrong?”

Lilly sighed before she spoke

“The slum patrol team”

“What about them?”

Lilly sighed again and spoke

“It’s made up of criminals… And the mortality rate is very high… Even though they call it a ‘patrol team’ it’s basically a bunch of make-shift assassins that hit the slum bosses and their closest lieutenants”

“Sounds like fun”

“Matt… Is that really your idea of fun?”

Matt showed a fearless smile before he spoke

“They’ve basically given me a free pass to kill anyone connected with these slum bosses, right?”

“Well, yes but—”

“Did you forget my trait?”

“No, but—”

“Believe in me, will you?”

“...Fine, I’ll trust you for now… But if you die, I’m going to be mad”

“Sure, you can be as mad as you want, now let’s sort this booze, shall we?”

Lilly looked at Matt for a few seconds before she sighed and nodded, after all opening time was not that far away and they had a whole crate of booze to sort through and put on the shelf behind the counter, Matt lifted the crate onto the bar and opened it up, then he and Lilly began sorting through the various exotic spirits and placed them on the shelf behind the bar… After about an hour of sorting they were finished and the last bottle was placed on the previously empty shelf

“There, just in time for opening… I’ll go change”

Matt nodded and watched Lilly walk up the stairs before he found a chair in the corner of the room and sat down, over the next few hours he didn’t really do anything other than look intimidating as Lilly served a good handful of thirsty souls while making a profit, Matt was about to close his eyes when Lilly walked over and placed a glass in front of him, the liquid inside was dark brown, Matt picked it up and gave it a smell before he looked at Lilly that spoke

“Go one, try it”

Matt nodded and took a sip before he muttered


“Yes, that’s right, it’s on the house, you looked thirsty”

“Well thanks”


The next morning Matt woke up early, after checking that Lilly that laid besides him was still asleep he did what he had wanted to do for the past day, that’s right, he wanted to check his skills, he slowly focused his will before they appeared in front of him


Undying (passive), Skeletal reinforcement (passive), Bone modulation (active), Dragon’s charm (passive)

‘Well I know what undying does, what about Skeletal reinforcement?’

Matt focused his will on that skill to start and soon the text in front of him changed into a description

Skeletal reinforcement (passive)

Reinforces the skeleton of the user, the reinforcement gets better the higher the level of the user

‘Interesting… I know what bone modulation does… What’s this Dragon’s charm?’

Dragon’s charm (passive)

Increases the favorability of people that have been in ‘close proximity’ to the user for more than a day, the amount of favorability is based on how much the user followers their one heart

‘Their own heart… Well, I’ll be damned, I’ve turned into a real harem protagonist… Well, not yet anyway…’

Matt dismissed his skill window before he gazed at the sleeping Lilly besides him and sighed before he shook his head and muttered

“No way I can handle more than one woman at a time…”

With that, he let out a yawn and decided to get out of bed, after getting dressed he left Lilly that was sleeping still in bed and walked downstairs and began to clean the slightly messy bar, then after he was done with that and seeing that his sleeping companion had yet to leave her dreams behind he decided to get some fresh air and walked out in the courtyard behind the bar and simply stood and basked in the sunlight like an old man for a bit, that was until his keen ears picked up someone knocking at the front door, after making his way back inside and over to open the door the knocking had increased significantly in volume which caught Matt’s ire as he yelled

“Yes, yes, YES, I’ve heard you the first time around!”

Then he opened the door and was faced with a person he didn’t expect, it was rather big man with short legs and arms that reached down to his knees, he had a blank look on his face for a bit before he asked slowly


Matt tilted his head slightly as he asked

“Yes, do I know you?”

The man stared at Matt for a bit longer before he spoke again


Matt sighed internally before he nodded and agreed

“Yes I am Matt”

The big man visibly cheered up somewhat before he spoke a little faster


Matt let out a sigh and followed after the big man after closing the door to the bar after himself, the two of them walked through the streets in silence before Matt asked

“Do you have a name, big man?”

“...No name… says too stupid”

Matt nodded, this big guy most likely had some sort of mental disability, however that didn’t justify the lack of a name in Matt’s world

“Then do you want me to name you?”

“...Name? Is okay?”


“.......Okay, name please”

“Hmm… Then Go”


“It’s short for Goliath, just like my name is short for Matthew”


“yes , it’s a big person”

The big man lit up and spoke excitedly

“Then… I am Go”

“Yes, it’s nice to meet you Go”

The two of them chatted about this and that as they walked and soon they arrived at the entrance to the slums where the big man Go walked into a guard post and arrived in a court yard where he spoke to Matt


“I see… Then let’s wait here, Go”


The two of them stood and waited in the courtyard until a couple of guards walked over, one of them spoke

“Are you Matt?”


“Follow after us”

“Sure… See you later Go”

“See… You, Matt”

Matt walked after the guards into a building where he was told to wait in the lobby with one of the guards while the other walked downstairs, soon the guard returned with a couple of people, three men and one little girl that was sobbing quietly, Matt simply took note of them as they lined up next to him as he waited for a bit before the guard captain arrived, he showed a sneer when he saw Matt and spoke

“So you didn’t run away?”

Matt showed a slight smile and spoke while shrugging

“Why should I..? Is there anything here to be afraid of?”

The guard captain narrowed his eyes slightly before he began addressing the 5 people that were gathered in front of him (Including Matt)

“Welcome to the slum patrol team, I’ll be brief, I don’t expect much from you though if you ever want to make it out of the slums after you enter you must bring one of the following items, item one: the head of one of the lieutenants of the crime families inside the slums, item two: 10 cores from level 2 creatures or people, item three: the head of one of the crime bosses which are listed on the bounty boards behind me. Now then you have 2 minutes to memorize the bounties''

Matt looked over at the bounties and memorized them, the others didn’t, they didn’t look interested in anything, their eyes were empty, they seemed to accepted their fate

“Now then, to the entrance”

Matt followed along and soon he arrived at the entrance gate to the slums, there the guards opened the gate and shoved the people out of it, Matt didn’t need the shove as he walked in by himself and looked around, the buildings around were made of wood and looked to be in poor condition, on his quick glance he spotted about 4 beggars, 2 prostitutes and a handful of other shady people that were seeming watching a show as they exchanged some coin in the from of bets, then the guards closed the gate behind them, Matt sighed before he looked around once again where he spotted a few people approaching, they looked like thugs and were armed with blunt weapons the leader of them yelled excitedly

“Hey boys, looks like this batch is ours to use!”

Matt narrowed his gaze slightly, clearly these people had just signed their death warrants in Matt’s eyes, none of them looked particularly strong, yet they were here to kill

‘I wonder why though..? Maybe just to rob us?’

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