

Within a gorgeous location, the atmosphere was calm, the sky was unclouded, and the natural world as a whole seemed to be functioning in concord with one another.

There was a large diversity of flora species represented by the blooms. On the other hand, this very watchtower was located in the midst of a big courtyard, and at the very center of the garden, a simple wooden house could be seen.

The courtyard itself was rather large. In addition, there was a table in the front yard of the house, and two elderly gentlemen were seated there drinking tea while sitting at the table.

One of the old men was a figure that had been seen before; in truth, he was Long Lin Tian, who had traveled all the way from the region of desolate islands to the Imory Continent along with Azraf and a few other individuals.

On the day that they arrived on the continent, After spending some time sending signals to the mysterious department x, person who Long Lin Tian furtive
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