Chapter 6.

"What do you mean by this?" Slade's face held a very strong note of seriousness. His facial expression was so stiff that the man was beginning to question his own decision.

The man cleared his throat and withdrew his hand for a second. He held a bolder stance and took a step closer to Slade and Mamita.

"I don't want you to be offended by this. But in all truthfulness, I won't be happy if you don't take this token of gratitude from me. You have done a very great thing by saving my daughter. Please allow me to show my gratitude with this little token." The man was very intentional about his decision.

Slade didn't say a word yet about it. He inspected the clothes of the man for the first time. He realised that the design of the overall winter coat looked very simple, but the intricate carving in the hems and collars was quite unique. Like a limited-edition casual wear.

Also, judging by the manner at which the man was talking and the way he would carry himself, it was now obvious to Slade that the man must be an influential person.

Slade has spent three years in prison. It was only right for him not to know some things and people.

Also, was it not glaring to note that only a wealthy person would be willing to give half a million dollars to a total stranger because of a service? In fact, most people who are helped would even make you miserable for doing them good, let alone thank you, or go to the extent of giving a token.

"Please accept this." The man urged Slade, reaching the cheque out again to Slade.

Mamita moved closer to Slade this and whispered some words into his ears.

"I don't think it would be a bad idea if you collect the money. You didn't extort it. You were good to his daughter, and he wanted to show some gratitude." Mamita advised Slade.

Slade gazed at Mamita for a few seconds. He understood her concerns, and he knew that she was not wrong.

Slade shook his head in denial to Mamita, mouthing the word "No."

Although Mamita also thought that the money would be of great use to them, because of their present financial state. But she couldn't overrule Slade's decision. She wasn't willing to shit on his choice. She respected his decision. So, she nodded softly, giving him a reassuring smile.

"I appreciate your gesture, sir. But I didn't help your daughter for the sake of rewards. I did what I had to do." Slade was very adamant in his decision.

At this point, the man was very clueless. He knew at this point there was nothing he could say to change the mind of Slade.

While the man was thinking about other means to get Slade to see reason, Slade suddenly stepped forward.

The man was a little bit stunned by the suddenness in Slade's reaction. Slade's eyes had grown really serious, and his face was icy cold and solemn. It seemed like he was in deep thought.

The moment Slade started to stare at the man's eyes, he could sense a strange energy coming from the man. Naturally, the flow of energy from a man should follow a sequence that is well patterned with the returning breeze.

Slade had not paid close attention earlier as he was busy refusing the money. But the moment he looked directly into the man's eyes, he started to feel the signal. That was why he stepped forward and stared intently at the man to be sure of what he was feeling.

He didn't want to be mistaken. Observation and confirmation are very much credible before hypotheses are made. That was what someone once told him.

"Are you ill?" Slade asked finally after he had confirmed the irregularities of the medical frequencies oozing from the man.

The man at first was stunned by Slade's sudden question. Just now, they were arguing about whether or not Slade would take his money, and all of a sudden, the topic had changed.

When the man recalled how Slade had saved his daughter and the intelligence he had felt when Slade spoke, coupled with Slade's noble character and mysterious aura, he nodded.

"Yes, Mr Slade. I have asthma. But it's nothing really serious. Just old age and its tantrums. Not to worry, I'm taking my medication." The man dismissed casually, a subtle smile lurking in the corner of his face.

"Stop the medication." Slade's eyes squinted as he said those words. His tone was deep and very revolving. It was an order!

The man was taken by surprise by what Slade had just said.

"Huh?" Both the old man and Mamita exclaimed.

"Just as a capsule drug is just a skin for the real drug inside, that's how the asthma is just a shell of your condition." Slade went quiet for a while.

The whole place was still. Even Mamita was staring at Slade in awe. The old man was speechless as his eyes ran across all the corners of Slade's serious face.

"When you were younger, in your youthful days, you would occasionally cough out blood. Sometimes, you would randomly become unconscious, finding it difficult to breathe for a short period of time. It was mostly two to five minutes." Slade asked.

The old was in so much awe that he couldn't even answer Slade's question. All he could do was nod. To him, it felt like a god was standing in front of him!

"You had a lung injury at that time. The lung injury left behind a sequelae." Slade explained. "The medication would only cause you more problems as there's a moment that the drugs will put too much pressure on your heart and it would stop abruptly." Slade sighed.

"Something you would call a heart attack." Slade finalized.

The old man was so smitten by Slade's knowledge of his condition that he almost fell on his knees in worship.

"How did you come to know all these, Mr Slade? In fact, last week, I had just spent over three million dollars on a medical institution in the US for diagnosis." The man started to confess. "I'm sorry. I lied to you that it was asthma. I didn't want to bother you."

Slade didn't take an offense.

"It's been a couple of years now since I have been paying a lot of money both in Pinnacle County, the US, Korea, and other countries. None of their medical companies have been able to diagnose the illness. Not even the best US doctors!" The man would still go out of breath the way he was gasping.

"Please come with me, Mr Slade. Come to my villa. Tell me more about this condition and what to do." The man urged.

Slade shook his head instantly.

"I'm sorry, but no. I have to leave now. I need to take my Mamita home." Slade was very emphatic with his decision.

Earlier, when Slade had left the dilapidated family house, he had decided that he wanted to go to his nanny's place to attend to her neck and body pains. Stopping here has delayed him by a margin of almost an hour. He couldn't stay any longer, let alone follow the man to his villa. His Mamita was his priority at this moment!

Although the old man had just known Slade for this short period of time, yet he knew that when Slade said no, there was no turning back.

The old man removed the ring on his left hand. There was an inscription in the ring. The inscription says, "JK. The J was stylish.

"Here. Please at least take this ring. With this ring, you will be given exclusive rights into any of my companies and properties." The man offered the ring to Slade with a slight bow.

Slade didn't want to refuse again. He had already refused so many things from the man. So, he collected the ring.

"Whenever you are free, please come to my villa. With this ring, you will be granted access into my villa, too. I'd love to hear your counsel on my condition." The man pleaded.

Without saying any more words, Slade nodded, then turned to leave with his nanny.

Little did Slade know that, with this ring, he could go to any place in the country.

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