30. Is He Dead ?

Chapter Thirty

The sleek Ferrari navigated through narrow, winding streets until it reached a part of town Declan barely recognized. Dilapidated buildings lined the road, their windows shattered and covered with grime. The air was thick with the stench of decay and garbage, assaulting his senses and making his stomach churn.

The woman parked the car and stepped out, motioning for Declan to follow. He hesitated for a moment, glancing around at the desolate surroundings, but his desperation to find his sister pushed him forward.

As they walked, Declan scanned the area, his eyes darting from one homeless person to another. Ragged figures huddled in doorways and makeshift shelters, their faces etched with hardship. He searched for any sign of his sister, but none of the faces looked familiar.

His head began to throb, the pain intensifying with each passing second. Memories he had tried to bury deep within his mind started to resurface, chaotic and disjointed. Images of his sister's laugh
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