56. Boss Island
Chapter Fifty Six

Declan's survival on the deserted island was a never-ending battle. His supernatural strength was his only weapon against the ferocious creatures that roamed the land.

One day, as he ventured deeper into the jungle, he stumbled upon a massive snake, its body as thick as a tree trunk.

"SSSSSSS!" the snake hissed, its eyes blazing with fury.

Declan stood his ground, his heart racing with anticipation. "I'm not going down without a fight!"

With a fierce cry, he charged at the snake, his fists flying. The snake struck back, its venomous fangs snapping wildly. Declan dodged and weaved, his movements lightning-fast. He grabbed the snake's head, his hands tightening around its neck.

"RRRRR!" the snake growled, its body thrashing about.

Declan held firm, his muscles bulging with effort. Finally, the snake went limp, its body crashing to the ground.

Breathless and victorious, Declan stood over his defeated foe. But his triumph was short-lived. A pack of vicious wolves
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