Leaving The Winstons

Kenneth went to the apartment of his girlfriend, Luna.

"Honey? Don't you have something to do tonight with your family? Oh, I didn't think we'd see each other tonight. I'm glad you're here, though. I miss you." Luna gave Kenneth a hug right away.

"Me, too, Luna," Kenneth said in a soft voice.

"What's wrong with you, honey? Why aren't you as happy as you usually are? Are you okay?" Kenneth's face was touched by Luna.

Kenneth swallowed his saliva. He said, "I just left the Winstons."

"Going to leave the Winstons? What are you saying? "

"All of them turned on me, Luna. During this time, I worked at the company, and I even helped Winston when he was in the hospital for months getting intensive care. I did a lot for the WS Group, but he gave the company to him instead. Shawn, his oldest son, because I was not legally his child.”

Luna couldn't believe what Kenneth said.

"I don't have a place to live anymore, honey. Can I stay here for a while?” Kenneth asked.

"Emmm... Wait, so you're saying you don't have anything right now?"

"Yeah, I don't have anyone either, except you," Kenneth said.

"I'm sorry, Kenneth, but I just can't seem to let you live in my apartment," Luna said.

"Why, dear?"

"We're not married, that's why. Aren't people who aren't married bad to live with?"

"But I'm your lover."

"But Kenneth, we're not married yet. I hope you get what I mean." Luna shut the door to her apartment once more.

Kenneth had no choice but to swallow his own sadness and leave the apartment building.

That night, Kenneth walked down the street. He never looked back at Winston's palace, which could still be seen from where he was. His chest was so tight that disappointment, anger, and sadness were all going through his mind.

A car pulled up next to him not long after that. A man with a good build got out of the car. "Young Master, come back to the house. Master Winston is waiting for the young master to come back," said Winston's messenger.

"Tell your master that I won't be going back to that house. And he doesn't have to send anyone to look for mer," Kenneth gave a firm answer.

Kenneth kept moving forward. He sat down on a bench by the road after walking for almost three miles. He couldn't pay attention to the cars going by in front of him. Kenneth thought back to his youth.

His mother, Ryn, gave birth to him and raised him. They are poor and live alone in a small house. Kenneth didn't know who his father was until he was seven years old, when he and his mother ran into Mr. Winston on the street. Since then, Mr. Winston has stopped by to see them often. Mr. Winston also brought Kenneth to live with him until Ryn died in an accident.

Kenneth lived in Mr. Winston's house for almost twenty years, using the name Sanders after his name. His father gave him all kinds of nice things, and Kenneth enjoyed them all. Now, he wants to go back to where he came from. Kenneth thought he would rather be live alone on the street than humiliated over and over by that rich family.

Kenneth went into a clothing store a few minutes later. He told the shop owner, "I want to sell my clothes."

The shop owner asked, "What do you mean?"

"A well-known designer made my suit, shirt, pants, and shoes just for me. If you buy it, you can put a high price on it when you sell it again. If you don't believe it, just check it out." Kenneth took off his coat and gave it to the shop owner.

The shop owner was surprised, but he had to agree that the man's clothes were very nice. “I'll buy your clothes, but not for a lot of money. I will give you $50 for each item."

"50 dollars? Oh, wow!"

"Please leave if you don't want to!"

Kenneth sighed. He couldn't do anything else. Kenneth said, "Okay, I'll sell the clothes I'm wearing for $50 each, but I want a new set of clothes from your shop."

"I agree."

Kenneth also took off his clothes and bought much cheaper ones from the store. Kenneth hopes to get by for a few days until he gets a job with the money from selling the clothes.


Kenneth has become a street painter since he moved out of the Winston house. He went to parks and asked people to pose for him so he could paint them. When Kenneth was carrying a canvas to a park, he saw his girlfriend Luna with another man. Kenneth noticed from a distance that the man with Luna was Shawn.

"Fuck!" Kenneth let go of the canvas in his hand and hit Shawn from behind right away.

"You crook! You took the WS Group that was supposed to be mine. And now you've taken my lover, too! I'm not letting you live!" Kenneth swore at Shawn as he beat him.

"Damn it!" Shawn had already been hit three times by Kenneth, so he hit his brother in the stomach as soon as he could.

"Aaaaa..." When Luna saw the brothers fighting, she screamed right away. She said, "You two, STOP! Kenneth! Don't pick on Shawn." Kenneth's hand was pulled by Luna. "Why  you punch your brother like this in public? You have no shame!" Luna cut Kenneth off.

"He's not my sibling. He’s a thief, he stolen anything!" Kenneth spoke up. "And you, Luna! Why did you betray me like this? You're my girlfriend, but why are you holding his hand like this in public?"

"You are no longer my boyfriend, Ken. Shawn is mine, now."

"What?" Kenneth was stunned by what Luna said.

"I thought you weren't hard of hearing, so you must have been able to hear her. Now, Luna is mine. She doesn't want to live on the street like you do. Kenneth, you ought to know who you are. You have nothing now, so you don't deserve anything either. — moreover Luna," Shawn once again put his arms around Luna's waist.

Kennet's face got red when he was treated like that. "Fucking..." he muttered and raised one hand to hit Shawn again. But Luna grabbed Kenneth's fist right away.

"It's true. I chose to start dating Shawn, the CEO of the WS Group. I hope you can forget about me, because I've forgotten about you and what happened between us for a long time now,” said Luna. "Honey, let's get out of here. You're hurt, so I'll take care of it right away." Shawn and Luna left the garden hand in hand after Luna grabbed Shawn's arm.

From where he stood, Kenneth could feel his eyes getting hot, but he did his best not to cry. When he was at his lowest point, everyone would walk all over him. But Kennet knew in his heart that he would get back at those who hurt him one day.

Kenneth picked up the canvas that he had dropped earlier, and then he walked in a shaky way. Kenneth was very thirsty and hungry, but he didn't have enough money to buy food because none of his paintings had sold.


"Help! help!"

A pickpocket steals a woman's bag in front of a shopping mall. The woman screams. When Kenneth saw the pickpocket running toward him, he went up to him right away and beat him until he fell down.

"Give that woman back her bag!"

"Don't get in the way!" The thief is about to get up and run away again, but Kenneth pushed him back. Kenneth grabbed the bag out of the thief's hand and gave it to the 50-year-old woman who had been shouting.

Her husband, who had just left the shopping center, was seen standing next to the woman.

The woman named Sherly said, "Thank you very much."

"Be careful next time, Ma’am. There are a lot of pickpockets in this area. You, sir, shouldn't leave your wife alone," Kenneth spoke up.

Kenneth was about to leave, but a man named Alexander stopped him.

"Wait a minute!" he yelled at Kenneth.

Kenneth went back the way he came. He asked, "What’s up, sir?"

"Since you helped my wife, I'd like to give you a small gift." Alexander gets his wallet out to get some money.

"No need, sir." Kenneth said no. "You don't have to give me money. if I may, all I want is food."

After Alexander and Sherly looked at each other, he took Kenneth to a restaurant.

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