end of greed

Junior nodded his head. “I used to want to run or die. Not anymore. It turns out that traveling is a fun activity.” Anka nodded her head in agreement with Junior's words.

"Next month I will go on an expedition to Africa."

Junior nodded his head. "Really?" he asked, very interested.

Anko nodded her head. “As well as being a volunteer there. Do you want to join? Maybe we will meet many herds of animals and death is very close there." Anka whispered the last sentence.

Junior nodded his head. "I will consider."

Knock! Knock! Adelia knocked on the bedroom door. "Son, it's time for dinner!" Adelia interrupted the two people who were talking. Anka and Junior nodded their heads. they continued to tell stories about the animals they had seen and some of the difficult places they had conquered.

"You guys look very familiar." Aruna commented on the two people who had just met.

Anka and Junior compactly nodded their heads. "Yeah, we discussed an expedition to Africa next month."

"Junior, haven't
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