A Twist Of Fate

Ethan paced around in his home as he contacted Kingsley Mountain. After so many years, he'd finally considered taking his inheritance and he was fueled with strong determination.

“This is Ethan Caldwell,” he said casually over the phone as he spoke to the chairlady.

“Mr Ethan… This is him, if I'm not mistaken right?”

“Of course.”

“Well, I'm glad you called,” she said enthusiastically butin a surprised tone. Perhaps, she never expected him to call.

“Thank you,” Ethan replied. “Uhm….” He scratched his head, not sure of what to say next.

He actually wanted things to fall in place. His wife would be taken away from him in no time if he didn't do anything. He really loved Emily and could not afford to let her be in the arms of another. There was only one thing to do.

“Liam White,” he began. “I heard that he has a solid connection with Kingsley Mountain, is that true?”

“Yes, sir, of course. He's also one of the prominent shareholders in the company.”

“Well, I want you to cut all ties with him.”

The chairlady was confused, but she knew better than to question the young man for his request. She was in no position to question him. “Alright, sir. I'll do that right away.”

Ethan gave a satisfactory smile. “And you'll also have him beaten up. He's done something against my policy.”

“Sure,” she agreed without questioning him.

“This is unbelievable,” Mrs Vanessa said out loud, as she scrolled through her phone, the next day. Her eyes widened with shock and her mouth hung agape as she saw the news. She was petrified and completely confused. Liam White, the man whom she'd wanted to marry her daughter Emily to had been attacked in his home. He'd been beaten and battered by thugs.

“What's wrong, honey? Mr Gerald Harrison asked his wife as he noticed the forlorn look on her face. “Is there something wrong?”

She nodded her head as words couldn't escape her lips. Her face had become ashen like she'd just had an encounter with a ghost.

“Tell me what happened, and I will solve the problem right away.”

“It's not something you can solve honey. It's— it's…. Liam White. I can't believe it. Just when we're at the peak of having a strong bond with his family…. The Whites are our only ticket to being one of the prominent families…. And now, this is happening?”

“What's happening?”

“Haven't you seen the news? It's all over. Some thugs were sent to beat him up in his home. How they managed to do that, is what I don't know. Now, he's in the hospital, beaten beyond recognition.”

This was bad news, terrible news for the Harrisons as they thought having a strong connection with the Whites would be their last bus stop to acclaiming a high status. Who would do such a thing to them? Just when they were about to strike a mouth watering, life changing deal with the Whites….

A few hours later after getting the news that she would be son-in-law, the man she'd wished to marry her daughter had been battered, Vanessa got a phone call, and this time, the news she got was heart wrenching. Her son, David, had been arrested.

This time, Vanessa lost it. She was infuriated beyond measure. She was utterly enraged. How could this happen to her?

If only he stupid, wretched son-in-law had accepted the deal, things would have gone fine. Now she didn't even know how her family would get out of this mess. Her only hope was no longer competent enough.

Vanessa, enraged about the news, called her daughter over. She wanted her to see for herself what she and her useless husband caused.

“Did you see what you've let your good for nothing husband do to our family, Emily?” she questioned her daughter who just arrived,bile rising up in her throat.

Emily was petrified. She stood by the door looking dumbfounded. What was her mother talking about and why did she look this enraged? “Mom, I don't understand,” she said, further riling up her mother's mood.

“What do you mean you don't understand you silly child? Your brother has been arrested. The shareholders are threatening to pull away from the company because of this news. We are doomed, Emily. We've gone bankrupt, and not to talk of the amount we are owing Wilson enterprise. The only hope we had, Liam White is currently in the hospital beaten beyond recognition and here you are claiming you don't understand what's going on? Didn't you hear what happened?”

Emily shook her head. “No, mom,” she replied in a timid voice. Her mom's outburst had painstakingly frightened her.

“If your stupid husband had agreed to take our offer, he would have been compensated handsomely, and our family wouldn't have been left in the mercy of no one. But since you decided to influence his decision of not accepting the deal, you, Emily, are going to fix this mess, and you have less than a week to do that.”

Although Emily was disappointed and scared, she was utterly relieved that she wouldn't go ahead with marrying Liam White. She'd heard so much about him; how treated women like tools and how he bullied everyone around him. How then could she marry such a deranged yet supercilious being?

Her mother's words resounded in her head as she drove back home. “You are going to fix this mess, and you have less than a week to do that.” How was she going to clear her family's bills? How was she going to settle the debts her family was owing? It was an impossible task to do seeing no one could help her, and her husband was even less capable of solving the problem.

What if she contacted Mr Lawrence? He was a nice man, he'd surely help her with some finances.

Ethan on the other hand was very pleased with himself as he heard the news of Liams afflictions. He had orchestrated the events through his connections with Kingsley Mountain, and now, he was planning to meet with the representative of the organization.

Mr Lawrence was a charismatic old man in his late 50’s who'd been working with the organization as the representative for years. He was an honest man who was indeed loyat to the organization. Having been missing for over ten years, Mr Lawrence took it into his hands to search for Ethan, all to no avail. He wondered why Ethan would sideline his inheritance whom a lot of people would kill to own.

“Never in my old age did I think I would find you, Ethan,” Mr Lawrence said, his heart thumping with excitement as Ethan approached him. Earlier, he'd gotten a call from Ethan who let him know that he was coming over.

“I've changed my mind,” Ethan said. “I'm ready to sign the documents of my inheritance, but that's only on one condition.”

“And what's that? Anything you want, I'll surely do for you.”

Ethan let out a soft sigh. “You have to keep my identity a secret. No one is allowed to know my true identity, not even my wife. I want her to protect her.

“Alright, Sir. I'll make sure no one knows your true identity,” Mr Lawrence promised. “Are you ready to sign the documents?”

Ethan breathed. “Yes,” he said.

Ethan walked with Mr Lawrence into the office. “Here they are,” Mr Lawrence said, bringing out a sealed envelope containing the documents of his inheritance. “Once you sign this, you'll officially have in control billions of dollars and not to talk of Kingsley Mountains which you will possess full ownership of.”

Ethan nodded. He took out a pen and then signed the document. Once he signed it, a bright smile appeared on Mr Lawrence's face. “Well done.”

Emily decided to go meet Mr Lawrence at the company. Once she got there, she was taken aback at the sight before her. She couldn't believe her eyes. What was Ethan doing here at Kingsley Mountain? Howi n the world was be allowed to be in the confines of the vast organization?

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