Chapter Three

Outside the mansion was a heavy storm, he had nowhere to go because even his own family had rejected him and the only friend he had at work was squatting with friends and there was no way he would accommodate him.

Under the heavy storm, Donald slept under a shield as he clutched onto his bag firmly shivering with no coat to shield him from the cold.

Despite how cold it was, he was finally able to doze off and only opened his eyes when the sky shone bright, he got up, feeling cold and sore all over his body.

As he was thinking about the sudden turn in his life, his thoughts were interrupted by the buzzing of his cellphone. He checked his phone and saw that he has received a message from a number ending with six seven’s. His eyebrows furrowed upon seeing the number, ‘Isnt this Lily number?’ he thought.

Donald opened the message in curiosity and was shocked by reading it.

‘Oh my lovely big brother please help me, I am in dire need of funds for my life-threatening medical emergency requiring immediate and costly treatment.

‘Preposterous!’ Donald furrowed his eyebrows and thought to himself. ‘Just few years ago she cut ties with me because I was broke, and refused to guve her any penny from my pay-off, and now with nothing to my name and 15 bucks in my pocket she want my financial support? What use am I to her’?

Donald's thought was once again interrupted by the buzzing of his cellphone. It was another message.

‘My brother I’m begging you to help me, the shares you bought three years ago have turned a huge profit.

Please I'm doomed without your support…’


Donald was taken aback by that message. He quickly took out his Amethyst black card at a speed him never knew he had. The card had been in a state of diuse for three long years. It was a status symbol for the rich for every card has its own dedicated customer care representative. He hastily dialed up the customer service representative.

“Greatings Mr. Donald. How many we assist you today?” Answered a sweet feminine voice.

“Quick! give me my account balance.”

“My pleasure sir, please wait a moment replied the lady. Within seconds, the lady spoke again. “Mr. Donald, your total account balance has a large sum above our checking limit, If you could kindly come to our exclusive financial center and speak to the manager.

Donald jumped up on his feet, all the pain that he was previously feeling disappeared 

"I will be there, I will" He replied anxiously and as soon as the call ended, he picked up his bag and dashed out.

Donald forgot how wet and dirty his clothes were as he ran to the exclusive financial center, his heart filled with so much excitement that it felt like he was going to explode, but as he arrived inside the exclusive financial center, he was pacing rapidly and everyone at the hall held their nose, the stench emanating from his body was too much for them to bear.

"What is going on, does TSLA now, allow lunatics inside?" One of the customers who was a male in his early forties spoke, his fingers still clutching onto his nose.

"Young man, I am sorry but you will have to leave else we might be forced to call security on you"

"No, I am not a lunatic, am here to see the manager of this bank. You can't handle my transaction that is why I need to see the manager," he said.

"I can't handle your transaction you say?" One of the staff banks asks as she scoffs out, while others around cannot help but chuckle while they scorn and mock him.

"Please Sir, this is not a mental facility, I will advise that you leave!"

"No, I am not leaving, I am telling you the truth, the transaction I will be carried out here is trillions of dollars, so allow me to see your manager before you implicate yourself. Donald said angrily.

"We do not have much time for your madness" the banker replied.

"I want to speak to the manager, direct me to his office?"

The female accountant could not help but laugh out loud, they had never experienced such a delusional customer and wondered how he walked past the security at the gate.

"Please leave now while we are being nice, else you will be thrown out of here and might get injured in the process"

She threatened but his attention was not on what she was saying, his eyes kept scanning around and as he looked upstairs and saw a tag at the door through the balcony that said Manager, he immediately dashed out and started running towards the office, jumping through the stairs like they meant nothing and only stopped to catch his breath when he was finally at the manager's office.

The manager who was previously engrossed in his computer when Donald stormed in and shut the door behind him was stunned to see a shabby man dressed in wet torn clothes that had an odour, his thoughts were how this man managed to get to his office.

"Young man, what are you doing here, because it seems like you lost your way. I have been watching how you were threatening my staff down there.".

The manager who was a middle-aged man in his early fifties was dressed in a professional suit that made him look younger except for the gray hairs on his hair and mustache.

"Good day, sir. I hope I'm not intruding, but I urgently need to confirm the status of my investment. You see, a substantial amount was allocated to my TSLA account, and I'm here to ensure everything is in order."

"Allocated, you say? Young man, the value of TSLA investments can indeed soar, but it's crucial to comprehend the dynamic nature of the stock market. Let's verify your account balance to ensure accuracy.”

"I need access to your Tesla account information. Share your login credentials and address. If there's nothing valuable, you might face consequences." He demanded, adopting a tone more fitting for accessing personal information rather than a bank code.

Once he was finally through, he heaved a sigh of frustration again and turned to him. "I am sorry, but with your login credentials, we could not find your account or the money you claimed to have in it, I can now call secure to arrest you," the manager said.

"Please check properly, the money has to be there, invested three years ago and my sister confirmed the hike in stock, please sir check properly"

"I think that I have been patient with you and listened to you rant out some imaginative trash, now leave or I call security and have you charged for theft and claiming to have what you do not, in an attempt to defraud me"

"I do not intend to defraud you, I have such an amount and I am not such". The manager rolled his eyes at him, picked up his phone and dialed his security, but as soon as Donald noticed that his attention had diverted to his phone, he immediately rushed over to the biometric and placed his hand.

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