A big breath

Onboard Accompanists or Companions

The situation seen from Sonia's point of view "Mate," he adds, his eyes maintaining their concentration on me the whole time. He had the most stunning green eyes I've ever seen. They have the look of dark evergreens, quite similar to the evergreen trees that are seen in forests. I am unable to keep his gaze for an extended period of time because I am conscious that my father is still there in the room and that I will be reprimanded for being disrespectful if I do so. My grandfather is shouting at the cat to get out of the home as quickly as possible. I get up and out of the room as soon as I can, making sure to close the door behind me as I go. Someone is shouting from behind it, and I can make out what they are saying. When it seems that the laundry will never be completed, I make a beeline down the hallway in the direction of the washing room in an effort to get there as soon as humanly feasible. My brother James is waiting for me at the foot of th
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