CHAPTER 2 Perverted General

Xiao Tian, seeing his father stabbed, screamed hysterically.

Xiao Tian wanted to go back, but his mother stopped him. “Tian’er, we must go. Don’t waste your father’s sacrifice, who wants us to live!”

“No, Mother, I must save Father!” Xiao Tian struggled to break free from his mother’s grasp, but his mother held him tight, and they ran faster.

Xiao Tian’s eyes had turned red; he was crying tears of blood. He kept staring at his father, who now had no chance to live. Dozens of spears and swords had pierced his father’s body from front and back.

Xiao Jian stood with his sword as support. He looked at Wang Chong with a murderous gaze. “Wang Chong, your death is not far. My son will surely avenge me.”

Wang Chong sneered coldly. “Don’t hope too much. They won’t be able to escape! I will send them to hell to accompany you!”

Wang Chong looked at his troops. “Capture them and bring them back, dead or alive!”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Wang Chong's face turned red, his anger reaching its peak, his eyes emitting a terrifying murderous aura.

“Xiao Jian. Now, I will end your life first. Don’t worry, you won’t be lonely. Soon, your wife and child will follow you to Hell!”

“Wang Chong. You’re truly barbaric! My wife and child are your sister and nephew. How can you treat them like this? People like you will soon face a calamity far more painful than this!” In his heart, Xiao Jian hoped that karma would soon catch up with Wang Chong and give him the punishment he deserved.

“Enough talk!”


A sword instantly sliced Xiao Jian’s body into two parts, and the man died in a gruesome manner.

“My poor brother-in-law, I won’t let anyone threaten my position. To me, there are no relatives or friends. Anyone who has the potential to take my position will meet a gruesome death!” said Wang Chong with a sinister and hateful tone.

Wang Chong’s face looked terrifying, his eyes ablaze with rage, his lips curled into a sadistic smile, and his face appeared more cruel than a demon’s.

Wang Chong clenched his fists tightly as if wanting to destroy everything in front of him.

Wangmei and Xiao Tian kept running, gasping for breath, trying with all their might to leave the Wuyu Region. However, their journey stopped when they reached the bank of a vast river that separated them from their destination.

The river was known as the Wang River, famous throughout the Wang Kingdom. It was filled with various ferocious beasts of extraordinary strength. Some were even known to possess power equivalent to that of a royal warrior. The Wang Kingdom had built a suspension bridge to facilitate crossing this dangerous river.

At this moment, Wangmei and Xiao Tian stood in the middle of the bridge. They couldn’t continue their journey because several Kingdom soldiers were blocking their way ahead, and they couldn’t go back either, as Kingdom soldiers were chasing them from behind.

“Empress, it’s better if you surrender! Your deaths won’t be too painful,” the Kingdom General sneered with a lustful look in his eyes.

Seeing no way out, Wangmei drew a short sword from within her gown.

“You want me to surrender? Keep dreaming!”


Wangmei cut the ropes holding the bridge; then, she pushed Xiao Tian into the river.

“Mother, no!” Xiao Tian didn’t want to be separated from his mother. But Wangmei pushed her son’s body with great force until Xiao Tian fell into the river.

The river was large and had a very strong current, and the flow carried away Xiao Tian.

“Mother, mother!” Xiao Tian kept calling for his mother, but Wangmei only smiled bitterly.

“Son, you must live. No matter what happens, you must live.” Wangmei shifted her gaze. She looked at the Kingdom General with sharp eyes.

“Traitorous scoundrels, I will kill you all!” A cold aura emanated from Wangmei’s body. She was a woman known to possess powerful ice energy. She began to attack using the short sword coated with ice.

The sound of clashing weapons echoed as Wangmei fought against the General.


Suddenly, Wangmei spewed blood with a loud noise. Several spears had pierced her from behind.

Xiao Tian watched his mother with eyes as red as blood. He saw his mother smiling at him with a face covered in blood.

Xiao Tian could no longer resist the river’s strong current, and the boy was swept away. Whether he was alive or dead, no one knew.

The Kingdom General and the other soldiers didn’t care about Xiao Tian’s fate; they only looked at Wangmei’s lifeless body.

“It’s such a pity; the Empress’s beautiful body is now full of wounds,” the General said with a sad tone.

One of his subordinates dared to speak to their General.

“General. If possible, you shouldn’t touch the Empress’s body. After all, the Empress is our King’s sister. If His Majesty finds out, we could all face his wrath.”

The man spoke while bowing because he knew their General was very passionate and had slept with countless women.

“Hmm, you don’t need to worry; I still have limits. Now, let’s return and present the Empress’s body to His Majesty.”

“But General, what about Xiao Tian? He was swept away in the river. Should we search for him?”

Hearing his subordinate’s words, the General snorted coldly.

“Search for him? Why waste time? The boy is surely dead; this river is filled with wild beasts. There’s no need! He must have already become their food. Now let’s go back!”

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