CHAPTER 6 Circle of Energy

Xiao Tian learned about the warrior realms from the books he read.

The levels of warriors were measured by the number of internal energy circles they possessed.

A first-class warrior: had 30 circles of internal energy.

A second-class warrior: had 100 circles of internal energy.

A third-class warrior: had 200 circles of internal energy.

A fourth-class warrior: had 300 circles of internal energy.

After that, they progressed to the realm of king warriors.

King warriors were divided into earth king warriors, sky king warriors, and martial king warriors.

An earth king warrior had levels from one to nine.

Level 1: had 500 circles of internal energy.

Level 2: had 700 circles of internal energy.

Level 3: had 900 circles of internal energy.

Level 4: had 1,100 circles.

Level 5: had 1,300 circles.

Level 6: had 1,500 circles.

Level 7: had 1,700 circles.

Level 8: had 1,900 circles.

Level 9: had 2,100 circles.

Sky king warriors also had levels from 1 to 9.

Level 1: had 2,400 circles of internal energy, and each level added 300 circles.

Martial king warriors also had 9 levels. However, they no longer referred to it as internal energy; those who managed to become martial king warriors had transformed their internal energy into Qi.

‘My uncle Wang Chong is at the level of a sixth-rank martial king warrior. Rumor has it that even people in the empire have achieved the level of a half-martial emperor. My journey is still long. Right now, I only have 430 circles of internal energy; I need 70 more circles to break through to an earth king warrior. Currently, I’m still a fourth-class warrior. It seems I no longer need to hide my strength, as the best resources of the sect are only given to the strongest disciples. After this event, I’ll speak to Grandfather so I can start training with the other disciples!’

While Xiao Tian was contemplating various things, Liu Qingyun announced the final match. “Now, we enter the final round. Whoever wins will be the best disciple of our Supreme Sword Sect. Use all your abilities, but killing each other is forbidden. Daniel, Lu Xuan, step forward and show your strength!”

Daniel and Lu Xuan were the disciples who had made it to the final; they were the most talented disciples under the age of 17 in the Supreme Sword Sect.

Both immediately entered the martial arena.

Daniel cupped his hands towards Lu Xuan. “Brother Lu Xuan, please guide me.”

“Hahaha, I will.”


Xiao Tian noticed that the disciple named Lu Xuan was also hiding his true strength; he had 210 circles of internal energy but only showed 140 circles. “Hmm, this is really interesting.”

Xiao Tian’s murmur was heard by Ziyan Rouxi. “Brother Tian, are you now interested in becoming a warrior?”

Hearing Ziyan Rouxi’s question, Xiao Tian smiled slightly. “Sister, you must train diligently! Otherwise, when I start training, I will surpass you immediately.”

“Hahaha, I look forward to it. Start training soon.” Ziyan Rouxi did not get angry; instead, she smiled sweetly.

Fa Wa felt happy seeing his biological granddaughter so close to his adopted grandson. He hoped both would grow and become pillars for the Supreme Sword Sect in the future.


In the center of the vast martial arena, Lu Xuan and Daniel stood facing each other with their swords drawn, ready to fight. The audience around the arena held their breath, waiting for the exciting duel between these two warriors to begin.

"BEGIN!" shouted Liu Qingyun. As soon as his voice was heard, Lu Xuan and Daniel immediately launched their attacks.

Both warriors moved swiftly, their swordplay displaying high skill and cunning. The sound of clashing swords between Lu Xuan and Daniel echoed through the arena, captivating the audience even more.

After several exchanges of blows, Lu Xuan began to feel something was wrong. Daniel’s internal energy seemed endless, and each of his attacks grew stronger. Lu Xuan realized he had to use his full strength if he wanted to defeat his opponent.

“I can’t hide my power any longer!” Lu Xuan murmured to himself. With resolute determination, he unleashed his internal energy that he had been holding back. A strong aura enveloped his body, surprising the audience and eliciting cheers of admiration.

Now ready to face Daniel with his full strength, the battle between these two warriors grew fiercer. They fought tirelessly, each trying to prove their prowess in front of the cheering spectators.

When the people felt Lu Xuan’s internal energy, the elders began to praise him.

“Brother Lu Xuan, defeat Daniel. Only brother Lu Xuan deserves to win this competition.”

Many disciples cheered for Lu Xuan, especially the female disciples. Lu Xuan, at 15 years old, was very handsome, causing many of the female disciples to idolize him.

Daniel was not as handsome as Lu Xuan, but he had a firm face and the aura of an expert. His face always looked relaxed, and a slight smile always adorned his lips.

Hearing the praise he received, Lu Xuan’s spirit burned even brighter. He swiftly enveloped his sword with a bright yellow energy. Meanwhile, Daniel enveloped his sword with a mysterious purple energy. They exchanged fierce glances, ready to unleash their best abilities in this fight.

This time, Daniel decided to take the initiative to attack. With quick movements, he launched a slash of his sword towards Lu Xuan. However, Lu Xuan deftly avoided the attack and immediately countered with a retaliatory strike. But, who would have thought, Daniel had another plan. When his sword slash missed Lu Xuan, Daniel immediately took advantage of the momentum to spin his body nimbly. In an instant, he delivered a powerful kick that hit its target accurately. Lu Xuan was taken aback; he didn’t expect Daniel to attack in such a manner.


“Aah…” Lu Xuan screamed in pain. He clutched his ribs, which felt broken.

He looked at Daniel approaching him. However, he was very puzzled because now Daniel’s aura felt different.

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