Chapter 11 Couples Counseling
Felix the hedgehog let out a resounding grunt, and a portal opened behind him. A bunch of people walked out of it. They were grown-ups, seven couples, to be exact. Meanwhile, the other liaisons used magic to bring seven tables and chairs to the garden.

Each of the seven couples was asked to occupy a table. They seemed to be under some spell, so they followed the general commands of the liaisons.

The adults all wore swimsuits as well. 'What's with the swimsuits?' Pan wondered. 'Is everyone expecting to go to the beach? Why am I the only one left out?' He was about to ask Jewel when the hedgehog spoke up.

"As Managing Liaison, I will take this opportunity to explain the rules of the first test," Felix began. "The purpose of the God of Love is not only to create new matches but also to mend broken matches. It will be easy for the successor of Eros to do so once they have received the divine powers. But can they fix painful love through human abilities? Let's find out."

"Each co
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